7 results for Nymphoides peltata (yellow floating-heart)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
2159 Nymphoides peltata Competition Observational Field When associated with other common free floating plants such as duckweeds, Salvinia natans, and ricciocarpus natans, these plants (Nymphoides, Nelumbo, Nymphaea, potamogeton spp.) influence light climate and species composition very drastically. Both groups shield the underlying water from sunlight thereby inhibiting photosynthesis and oxygen production. 33538
2178 Nymphoides peltata Competition Observational Field Colonies can produce dense mats of leaves in a floating canopy, which block out sunlight for other vascular plants 33527
2179 Nymphoides peltata Competition Observational Field When colonies are dense, plants compete with and displace indigenous vegetation, sometimes reducing biodiversity and altering faunal communities 33527
2186 Nymphoides peltata Competition Observational Field One-sided competition from N. peltata has a profound effect on the submerged aquatic plant community due to its ability to outcompete submerged vegetation for light. 33529
2191 Nymphoides peltata Competition Experimental Laboratory Nymphoides peltata has been shown to exert a strong interspecific interferential effect on the floating leaved water chestnut (Trapa bispinosa) 33532
2192 Nymphoides peltata Competition Experimental Laboratory Nymphoides peltata showed a rapid increase of mean leaf area when competing with floating-leaved T. bispinosa and submerged M. spicatum. They invested much more biomass to their above-ground parts, to cover the water surface and interfere the growth of T. bispinosa and M. spicatum 33531
8812 Nymphoides peltata Competition Anecdotal N/A Nymphoides peltata can form dense floating mats of vegetation that block sunlight from reaching native plants and algae. 25601

Currently showing impact type "Competition".

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