speciesspecies_ID | SpeciesGroup | SpeciesCommon_Name | ScientificName | NE |
1099 | Plants | water lettuce | Pistia stratiotes | Cryptogenic |
61 | Amphibians-Frogs | Greenhouse Frog | Eleutherodactylus planirostris | Exotic to US |
75 | Amphibians-Frogs | Japanese Wrinkled Frog | Glandirana rugosa | Exotic to US |
4 | Fishes | Common Carp | Cyprinus carpio | Exotic to US |
229 | Plants | water-cress | Nasturtium officinale | Exotic to US |
73 | Amphibians-Frogs | Black-spotted Frog | Pelophylax nigromaculatus | Exotic to US |
113 | Mollusks-Bivalves | Pacific giant oyster | Crassostrea gigas | Exotic to US |
131 | Mollusks-Bivalves | European fingernail clam | Sphaerium corneum | Exotic to US |
237 | Plants | Eurasian watermilfoil | Myriophyllum spicatum | Exotic to US |
233 | Plants | pond water-starwort | Callitriche stagnalis | Exotic to US |
129 | Mollusks-Bivalves | greater European peaclam | Pisidium amnicum | Exotic to US |
227 | Plants | alligatorweed | Alternanthera philoxeroides | Exotic to US |
243 | Plants | yellow floating-heart | Nymphoides peltata | Exotic to US |
297 | Plants | water spangles | Salvinia minima | Exotic to US |
161 | Crustaceans-Cladocerans | Baltic Long-nosed Waterflea | Eubosmina coregoni | Exotic to US |
228 | Plants | common brassbuttons | Cotula coronopifolia | Exotic to US |
244 | Plants | sacred lotus | Nelumbo nucifera | Exotic to US |
652 | Fishes | Tench | Tinca tinca | Exotic to US |
190 | Crustaceans-Crabs | green crab | Carcinus maenas | Exotic to US |
648 | Fishes | Rudd | Scardinius erythrophthalmus | Exotic to US |
261 | Plants | European speedwell | Veronica beccabunga | Exotic to US |
885 | Fishes | vendace | Coregonus albula | Exotic to US |
235 | Plants | parrot feather | Myriophyllum aquaticum | Exotic to US |
1012 | Mollusks-Gastropods | European ear snail | Radix auricularia | Exotic to US |
263 | Plants | water chestnut | Trapa natans | Exotic to US |
888 | Fishes | blaufelchen | Coregonus wartmanni | Exotic to US |
239 | Plants | purple loosestrife | Lythrum salicaria | Exotic to US |
1044 | Mollusks-Gastropods | Chinese mysterysnail | Cipangopaludina chinensis | Exotic to US |
293 | Plants | European water-clover | Marsilea quadrifolia | Exotic to US |
931 | Fishes | Brown Trout | Salmo trutta | Exotic to US |
311 | Fishes | unidentified eel | Anguilla sp. | Exotic to US |
1046 | Mollusks-Gastropods | Japanese mysterysnail | Cipangopaludina japonica | Exotic to US |
487 | Fishes | whitespotted clarias | Clarias fuscus | Exotic to US |
987 | Mollusks-Gastropods | mud bithynia | Bithynia tentaculata | Exotic to US |
508 | Fishes | Goldfish | Carassius auratus | Exotic to US |
1107 | Plants | Brazilian waterweed | Egeria densa | Exotic to US |
498 | Fishes | Pond Loach | Misgurnus anguillicaudatus | Exotic to US |
1130 | Plants | common water-hyacinth | Eichhornia crassipes | Exotic to US |
1039 | Mollusks-Gastropods | quilted melania | Tarebia granifera | Exotic to US |
2375 | Mollusks-Bivalves | pygmy peaclam | Pisidium moitessierianum | Exotic to US |
557 | Fishes | Ide | Leuciscus idus | Exotic to US |
1278 | Reptiles-Turtles | Chinese softshell | Pelodiscus sinensis | Exotic to US |
1115 | Plants | yellow iris | Iris pseudacorus | Exotic to US |
2639 | Fishes | Guaru | Poecilia vivipara | Exotic to US |
974 | Fishes | Asian Swamp Eel | Monopterus albus | Exotic to US |
2691 | Plants | roundfruit rush | Juncus compressus | Exotic to US |
1119 | Plants | para grass | Urochloa mutica | Exotic to US |
2679 | Plants | narrow-leaved cattail | Typha angustifolia | Exotic to US |
1029 | Mollusks-Gastropods | bloodfluke planorb | Biomphalaria glabrata | Exotic to US |
2938 | Plants | reed canarygrass | Phalaris arundinacea | Exotic to US |
1124 | Plants | torpedo grass | Panicum repens | Exotic to US |
2681 | Plants | water foxtail | Alopecurus geniculatus | Exotic to US |
1043 | Mollusks-Gastropods | European stream valvata | Valvata piscinalis | Exotic to US |
2981 | Plants | eared watermoss | Salvinia auriculata | Exotic to US |
1134 | Plants | curly-leaf pondweed | Potamogeton crispus | Exotic to US |
2682 | Plants | keek | Rorippa sylvestris | Exotic to US |
1089 | Mammals | nutria | Myocastor coypus | Exotic to US |
3069 | Plants | creeping waterhyssop | Bacopa repens | Exotic to US |
2399 | Fishes | Maraena whitefish | Coregonus maraena | Exotic to US |
2704 | Plants | lesser pond sedge | Carex acutiformis | Exotic to US |
1100 | Plants | flowering rush | Butomus umbellatus | Exotic to US |
3115 | Plants | African pricklegrass | Sporobolus niliacus | Exotic to US |
2668 | Plants | water mint | Mentha aquatica | Exotic to US |
2819 | Plants | Cuban bulrush | Cyperus blepharoleptos | Exotic to US |
1120 | Plants | reed mannagrass | Glyceria maxima | Exotic to US |
3136 | Plants | European willow | Salix myrsinifolia | Exotic to US |
2676 | Plants | tworank sedge | Carex disticha | Exotic to US |
2970 | Plants | single-vein sweetflag | Acorus calamus | Exotic to US |
1277 | Reptiles-Turtles | Wattle-necked Softshell | Palea steindachneri | Exotic to US |
3595 | Plants | giantreed | Arundo donax | Exotic to US |
2680 | Plants | creeping jenny | Lysimachia nummularia | Exotic to US |
3603 | Plants | tamarisk | Tamarix sp. | Exotic to US |
2313 | Fishes | Blotched Snakehead | Channa maculata | Exotic to US |
3769 | Mollusks-Gastropods | decollate snail | Rumina decollata | Exotic to US |
2686 | Plants | forget-me-not | Myosotis scorpioides | Exotic to US |
2320 | Mollusks-Gastropods | a pond snail | Fossaria viridis | Exotic to US |
2694 | Plants | European bugleweed | Lycopus europaeus | Exotic to US |
2937 | Plants | common reed | Phragmites australis australis | Exotic to US |
2969 | Plants | hyssop loosestrife | Lythrum hyssopifolia | Exotic to US |
2953 | Plants | water mannagrass | Glyceria fluitans | Exotic to US |
3284 | Plants | large-flower primrose-willow | Ludwigia cf. grandiflora/hexapetala | Exotic to US |
3054 | Plants | water speedwell | Veronica anagallis-aquatica | Exotic to US |
3223 | Plants | marshpepper knotweed | Persicaria hydropiper | Exotic to US |
3602 | Plants | Itadori knotweed | Reynoutria japonica | Exotic to US |
3810 | Plants | Queen of the meadow | Filipendula ulmaria | Exotic to US |
2698 | Plants | gingermint | Mentha × gracilis | Hybrid |
68 | Amphibians-Frogs | Northern Red-legged Frog | Rana aurora | Native Transplant |
46 | Amphibians-Frogs | Southern California Toad | Anaxyrus boreas halophilus | Native Transplant |
200 | Crustaceans-Crayfish | Signal Crayfish | Pacifastacus leniusculus | Native Transplant |
26 | Crustaceans-Amphipods | a freshwater amphipod | Gammarus fasciatus | Native Transplant |
71 | Amphibians-Frogs | American Bullfrog | Lithobates catesbeianus | Native Transplant |
251 | Plants | American white waterlily | Nymphaea odorata | Native Transplant |
349 | Fishes | Sacramento Sucker | Catostomus occidentalis | Native Transplant |
214 | Crustaceans-Crayfish | Rusty Crayfish | Faxonius rusticus | Native Transplant |
178 | Crustaceans-Copepods | a calanoid copepod | Eurytemora affinis | Native Transplant |
294 | Plants | hairy water-clover | Marsilea vestita | Native Transplant |
376 | Fishes | Warmouth | Lepomis gulosus | Native Transplant |
345 | Fishes | Longnose Sucker | Catostomus catostomus | Native Transplant |
231 | Plants | Carolina fanwort | Cabomba caroliniana | Native Transplant |
310 | Fishes | American Eel | Anguilla rostrata | Native Transplant |
380 | Fishes | Green Sunfish | Lepomis cyanellus | Native Transplant |
371 | Fishes | Roanoke Bass | Ambloplites cavifrons | Native Transplant |
346 | Fishes | White Sucker | Catostomus commersonii | Native Transplant |
373 | Fishes | Rock Bass | Ambloplites rupestris | Native Transplant |
413 | Marine Fishes | Milkfish | Chanos chanos | Native Transplant |
378 | Fishes | sunfish | Lepomis sp. | Native Transplant |
374 | Fishes | Sacramento Perch | Archoplites interruptus | Native Transplant |
385 | Fishes | Bluegill | Lepomis macrochirus | Native Transplant |
662 | Fishes | Sheepshead Minnow | Cyprinodon variegatus | Native Transplant |
390 | Fishes | Redear Sunfish | Lepomis microlophus | Native Transplant |
382 | Fishes | Pumpkinseed | Lepomis gibbosus | Native Transplant |
409 | Fishes | Black Crappie | Pomoxis nigromaculatus | Native Transplant |
697 | Fishes | Rainwater Killifish | Lucania parva | Native Transplant |
396 | Fishes | Smallmouth Bass | Micropterus dolomieu | Native Transplant |
392 | Fishes | black bass | Micropterus sp. | Native Transplant |
492 | Fishes | Gizzard Shad | Dorosoma cepedianum | Native Transplant |
730 | Fishes | Black Bullhead | Ameiurus melas | Native Transplant |
405 | Fishes | northern largemouth bass | Micropterus salmoides salmoides | Native Transplant |
401 | Fishes | Largemouth Bass | Micropterus salmoides | Native Transplant |
543 | Fishes | California Roach | Hesperoleucus symmetricus | Native Transplant |
733 | Fishes | Yellow Bullhead | Ameiurus natalis | Native Transplant |
408 | Fishes | White Crappie | Pomoxis annularis | Native Transplant |
490 | Fishes | Alewife | Alosa pseudoharengus | Native Transplant |
650 | Fishes | Fallfish | Semotilus corporalis | Native Transplant |
734 | Fishes | Brown Bullhead | Ameiurus nebulosus | Native Transplant |
579 | Fishes | Golden Shiner | Notemigonus crysoleucas | Native Transplant |
491 | Fishes | American Shad | Alosa sapidissima | Native Transplant |
729 | Fishes | White Catfish | Ameiurus catus | Native Transplant |
777 | Fishes | White Perch | Morone americana | Native Transplant |
620 | Fishes | Bluntnose Minnow | Pimephales notatus | Native Transplant |
493 | Fishes | Threadfin Shad | Dorosoma petenense | Native Transplant |
779 | Fishes | White Bass | Morone chrysops | Native Transplant |
785 | Fishes | Yellow Bass | Morone mississippiensis | Native Transplant |
621 | Fishes | Fathead Minnow | Pimephales promelas | Native Transplant |
574 | Fishes | Hornyhead Chub | Nocomis biguttatus | Native Transplant |
787 | Fishes | Striped Bass | Morone saxatilis | Native Transplant |
833 | Fishes | Trout-perch | Percopsis omiscomaycus | Native Transplant |
640 | Fishes | Speckled Dace | Rhinichthys osculus | Native Transplant |
617 | Fishes | Suckermouth Minnow | Phenacobius mirabilis | Native Transplant |
836 | Fishes | Sea Lamprey | Petromyzon marinus | Native Transplant |
890 | Fishes | Cutthroat Trout | Oncorhynchus clarkii | Native Transplant |
644 | Fishes | Redside Shiner | Richardsonius balteatus | Native Transplant |
649 | Fishes | Creek Chub | Semotilus atromaculatus | Native Transplant |
895 | Fishes | Westslope Cutthroat Trout | Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi | Native Transplant |
891 | Fishes | Yellowstone cutthroat trout | Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri | Native Transplant |
675 | Fishes | Grass Pickerel | Esox americanus vermiculatus | Native Transplant |
676 | Fishes | Northern Pike | Esox lucius | Native Transplant |
908 | Fishes | Coho Salmon | Oncorhynchus kisutch | Native Transplant |
897 | Fishes | Paiute cutthroat trout | Oncorhynchus clarkii seleniris | Native Transplant |
679 | Fishes | Muskellunge | Esox masquinongy | Native Transplant |
704 | Fishes | Ninespine Stickleback | Pungitius pungitius | Native Transplant |
943 | Fishes | Arctic Grayling | Thymallus arcticus | Native Transplant |
901 | Fishes | Bonneville cutthroat trout | Oncorhynchus clarkii utah | Native Transplant |
727 | Fishes | Mooneye | Hiodon tergisus | Native Transplant |
740 | Fishes | Blue Catfish | Ictalurus furcatus | Native Transplant |
1274 | Reptiles-Turtles | Spiny Softshell | Apalone spinifera | Native Transplant |
910 | Fishes | Rainbow Trout | Oncorhynchus mykiss | Native Transplant |
750 | Fishes | Flathead Catfish | Pylodictis olivaris | Native Transplant |
741 | Fishes | Yaqui Catfish | Ictalurus pricei | Native Transplant |
2673 | Plants | saltmeadow rush | Juncus gerardii | Native Transplant |
911 | Fishes | coastal rainbow trout | Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus | Native Transplant |
796 | Fishes | Rainbow Smelt | Osmerus mordax | Native Transplant |
754 | Marine Fishes | Tautog | Tautoga onitis | Native Transplant |
2674 | Plants | holly-leaf waternymph | Najas marina | Native Transplant |
926 | Fishes | Atlantic Salmon | Salmo salar | Native Transplant |
886 | Fishes | Cisco | Coregonus artedi | Native Transplant |
820 | Fishes | Yellow Perch | Perca flavescens | Native Transplant |
887 | Fishes | Lake Whitefish | Coregonus clupeaformis | Native Transplant |
929 | Fishes | Atlantic Salmon | Salmo salar sebago | Native Transplant |
894 | Fishes | Lahontan cutthroat trout | Oncorhynchus clarkii henshawi | Native Transplant |
831 | Fishes | Walleye | Sander vitreus | Native Transplant |
1259 | Reptiles-Turtles | Pond Slider | Trachemys scripta | Native Transplant |
936 | Fishes | blueback trout, Sunapee trout | Salvelinus alpinus oquassa | Native Transplant |
2769 | Mollusks-Gastropods | Olive Mysterysnail | Viviparus subpurpureus | Native Transplant |
915 | Fishes | Sockeye Salmon | Oncorhynchus nerka | Native Transplant |
2954 | Plants | Peruvian primrose-willow | Ludwigia peruviana | Native Transplant |
1047 | Mollusks-Gastropods | banded mysterysnail | Viviparus georgianus | Native Transplant |
3012 | Plants | floating primrose-willow | Ludwigia peploides glabrescens | Native Transplant |
920 | Fishes | Chinook Salmon | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | Native Transplant |
3774 | Plants | bent alligator-flag | Thalia geniculata | Native Transplant |
1231 | Reptiles-Turtles | Western Painted Turtle | Chrysemys picta bellii | Native Transplant |
921 | Fishes | Round Whitefish | Prosopium cylindraceum | Native Transplant |
1273 | Reptiles-Turtles | Florida Softshell | Apalone ferox | Native Transplant |
935 | Fishes | Arctic Char | Salvelinus alpinus | Native Transplant |
2233 | Mollusks-Gastropods | liver elimia | Elimia livescens | Native Transplant |
939 | Fishes | Brook Trout | Salvelinus fontinalis | Native Transplant |
2341 | Fishes | Channel Catfish | Ictalurus punctatus | Native Transplant |
942 | Fishes | Lake Trout | Salvelinus namaycush | Native Transplant |
2701 | Plants | northern bur-reed | Sparganium glomeratum | Native Transplant |
1032 | Mollusks-Gastropods | Piedmont elimia | Elimia virginica | Native Transplant |
3286 | Plants | frogbite | Limnobium spongia | Native Transplant |
1091 | Mammals | California sea lion | Zalophus californianus | Native Transplant |
1127 | Plants | purple dropseed | Sporobolus purpurascens | Native Transplant |
2351 | Fishes | Little Kern golden trout | Oncorhynchus mykiss whitei | Native Transplant |
2403 | Marine Fishes | Freckled Blenny | Hypsoblennius ionthas | Native Transplant |
2688 | Plants | rough bugleweed | Lycopus asper | Native Transplant |
2991 | Plants | Pacific waterclover | Marsilea oligospora | Native Transplant |