Butomus umbellatus

Flowering rush

Collection Information for Butomus umbellatus

Results limited to HUC #04030104.
To see the collection list for the entire Great Lakes region, click here.
To see the collection list for the entire United States, click here.
Results also available in (click to export table to spreadsheet)

(click table headers to sort)
Specimen IDStateCountyLocalityYearHUC NumberDrainage NameStatus
270108WIOcontoMachickanee Flowage (Stiles Lake)198104030104Ocontoestablished
246228WIOcontoOconto County200804030104Ocontocollected
247630WIOcontoArchibald Lake199804030104Ocontocollected
248261WIOconto5 mi.upstream from Oconto Falls, Machickanee Flowage; Stiles Twp198104030104Ocontocollected
1620309WIOcontoChequamegon-Nicolet National Forest198904030104Ocontoestablished
1425829WIOcontoMachickanee Flowage198104030104Ocontoestablished
1426682WIOcontoOconto Falls Pond201304030104Ocontoestablished
1422602WIOcontoArchibald Lake198904030104Ocontoestablished

Citation for this information:
U.S. Geological Survey, 2024, Butomus umbellatus: U.S. Geological Survey, Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database, Gainesville, FL, https://nas.er.usgs.gov, Access Date: 12/21/2024