Cipangopaludina chinensis

Chinese mysterysnail

Collection Information for Cipangopaludina chinensis

Results limited to HUC #04050006.
To see the collection list for the entire Great Lakes region, click here.
To see the collection list for the entire United States, click here.
Results also available in (click to export table to spreadsheet)

(click table headers to sort)
Specimen IDStateCountyLocalityYearHUC NumberDrainage NameStatus
1691997MIKentMurray Lake201904050006Lower Grandunknown
1692097MINewaygoBills Lake202104050006Lower Grandunknown
1731204MIOttawaGrand River at Pottawattomie Bayou196204050006Lower Grand 
1731205MIOttawaGrand River at Pottawattomie Bayou, T8N R16W Sec 36196004050006Lower Grand 
1731208MIOttawaGrand River at Pottawattomie, Bayon, Mercury Drive, Sec 36195904050006Lower Grand 

Citation for this information:
U.S. Geological Survey, 2024, Cipangopaludina chinensis: U.S. Geological Survey, Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database, Gainesville, FL,, Access Date: 12/21/2024