Renibacterium (Corynebacterium) salmoninarum

Bacterial kidney disease (BKD), Dee disease

Collection Information for Renibacterium (Corynebacterium) salmoninarum

Results limited to HUC #04070004.
To see the collection list for the entire Great Lakes region, click here.
Results also available in (click to export table to spreadsheet)

(click table headers to sort)
Specimen IDStateCountyLocalityYearHUC NumberDrainage NameStatus
1462648MICheboyganSturgeon River, Upstream of Fiher Woods199904070004Cheboyganunknown
1462649MICheboyganLittle Sturgeon River above confluence with Sturgeon199904070004Cheboyganunknown
1462650MICheboyganLittle Sturgeon River below Hatchery Road199904070004Cheboyganunknown
1462651MICheboyganSturgeon River, Wolverine199904070004Cheboyganunknown
1462652MIOtsegoSturgeon River below Club Creek199904070004Cheboyganunknown
1462653MIOtsegoClub Stream, Fontinalis Club199904070004Cheboyganunknown
1462654MIOtsegoPigeon River, Old Vanderbilt199904070004Cheboyganunknown

Citation for this information:
U.S. Geological Survey, 2024, Renibacterium (Corynebacterium) salmoninarum: U.S. Geological Survey, Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database, Gainesville, FL,, Access Date: 12/17/2024