Dreissena bugensis

Quagga mussel

Collection Information for Dreissena bugensis

Results limited to HUC #04260000.
To see the collection list for the entire Great Lakes region, click here.
To see the collection list for the entire United States, click here.
Results also available in (click to export table to spreadsheet)

(click table headers to sort)
Specimen IDStateCountyLocalityYearHUC NumberDrainage NameStatus
157194OHLorainLake Erie at Lorain, Ohio200204260000Lake Erieestablished
117480OHLorainLake Erie at Lorain, Ohio199404260000Lake Erieestablished
116994OHLakeLake Erie near Perry, Ohio199204260000Lake Erieestablished
117481OHOttawaLake Erie, Sandusky Bay, Sandusky, Ohio199404260000Lake Erieestablished
155483OHOttawaLake Erie, South Bass Island, near Sandusky199904260000Lake Erieestablished
155924OHLucasLake Erie at Toledo199204260000Lake Erieestablished
156099OHOttawaLake Erie off the southeast shore of North Bass Island [western basin]199604260000Lake Erieestablished
156108OHOttawaLake Erie off the southeast shore of North Bass Island [western basin]199604260000Lake Erieestablished
156106OHOttawaLake Erie off the southeast shore of North Bass Island [western basin]199604260000Lake Erieestablished
887449OHErieLake Erie, north bay of Kelleys Island, [point estimated 5.35 air miles NNE center Lakeside], [Kelleys Island Quad].199504260000Lake Erieestablished
1402728OHLucasLAKE ERIE, AT MAUMEE BAY201304260000Lake Erieestablished
1695416OHOttawaLake Erie, at South Bass Island201604260000Lake Erieestablished
1695417OHOttawaLake Erie, at South Bass Island199804260000Lake Erieestablished

Citation for this information:
U.S. Geological Survey, 2025, Dreissena bugensis: U.S. Geological Survey, Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database, Gainesville, FL, https://nas.er.usgs.gov, Access Date: 3/11/2025