Najas marina

Holly-leaf waternymph

Collection Information for Najas marina

Results limited to All Great Lakes Drainages.
To see the collection list for the entire United States, click here.
Results also available in (click to export table to spreadsheet)

(click table headers to sort)
Specimen IDStateCountyLocalityYearHUC NumberDrainage NameStatus
1336354OHErieAt Resthaven Wildlife Area at N.W. edge of Castalia, Margaretta Twp.197104100011Sanduskyestablished
1468707OHErie[wetland south of Sandusky Bay]201804100011Sanduskyestablished
244460OHErieResthaven Wildlife Area, Ca. one mile W of Castalia196104100011Sanduskyestablished
1655302OHErieKelleys Island, West Quarry of island196904260000Lake Erieunknown
254344OHErie2ft deep pond in marl quarry north of Castalia197104100011Sanduskyestablished
244459OHWilliamsMud Lake State Nature Preserve200004100003St. Josephunknown
1655328OHOttawaMiddle Harbor194904100010Cedar-Portageunknown

Citation for this information:
U.S. Geological Survey, 2025, Najas marina: U.S. Geological Survey, Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database, Gainesville, FL,, Access Date: 3/14/2025