Procambarus zonangulus Hobbs and Hobbs III, 1990

Common Name: Southern White River Crayfish

Synonyms and Other Names:

Procambarus zonangulus is a distinct species within the P. acutus species complex and was formerly grouped with P. acutus (Taylor and Schuster 2004).

Copyright Info

Identification: Body color is brown with a black wedge on dorsal abdomen (Walls 2009). Body color can vary; smaller individuals can be brown or tan with mottled spots (Huner 2002). Chelae possess numerous tubercles and small tubercles cover the carapace (Walls 2009). Procambarus zonangulus has long, narrow chelae with no space between dactyl and propodus when closed (Walls 2009). The areola of P. zonangulus is open, but narrow (Walls 2009). Often confused with P. clarkii, but there are distinct morphological differences, including a more open areola on P. zonangulus than on P. clarkii (Huner 2002). Without crayfish identification experience, P. acutus is indistinguishable from P. zonangulus (Swecker et al. 2010). Procambarus zonangulus has tapered gonopods, while P. acutus gonopods are a constant width (Walls 2009). In most P. zonangulus the ventral surface of the chelae is whitish, while they are a uniform color in P. acutus (Walls 2009).

Size: Can be up to 13 cm total length (Taylor and Schuster 2004).

Native Range: The native range of P. zonangulus is uncertain, but is probably the Gulf Coast Plains of Texas and Louisiana, extending into portions of southern Arkansas (Hobbs and Hobbs 1990; Walls 2009).

Ecology: While Huner (2002) reports that P. zonangulus is only found in flowing river systems, this species has also been found in a variety of other habitats, including ponds, ditches, creeks, and swamps (Swecker et al. 2010).

Means of Introduction: Probable aquaculture escapes in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi, but likely from bait bucket introductions elsewhere (Huner 2002; Swecker et al. 2010).

Status: Established in Maryland and West Virginia (Loughman and Welsh 2010; Maryland Department of Natural Resources 2012). Procambarus zonangulus is likely established in Mississippi given its occurrence in multiple drainages. Status in Alabama and Louisiana is unknown, but given the proximity to the native range, these introductions are most likely established.

Great Lakes Impacts:

Remarks: Procambarus zonangulus is an economically important crayfish in aquaculture (Taylor and Schuster 2004). Many aquaculture ponds are stocked with both P. clarkii and P. zonangulus. Given that P. clarkii has an expansive introduced range, the introduced range of P. zonangulus is potentially much greater than reported (Walls 2009).

References (click for full reference list)

Author: Durland Donahou, A.

Contributing Agencies:

Revision Date: 1/29/2018

Citation for this information:
Durland Donahou, A., 2024, Procambarus zonangulus Hobbs and Hobbs III, 1990: U.S. Geological Survey, Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database, Gainesville, FL, and NOAA Great Lakes Aquatic Nonindigenous Species Information System, Ann Arbor, MI,, Revision Date: 1/29/2018, Access Date: 10/24/2024

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