Salmo trutta has a high environmental impact in the Great Lakes. Realized:
Brown Trout has been implicated in reducing native fish populations (especially other salmonids) through predation, displacement, and food competition (Taylor et al. 1984). Brown Trout and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were deemed at least partially responsible for the extirpation of Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) half a century ago in Michigan, its only known location in the Great Lakes basin (Crawford 2001, p. 143). Many studies looking at the effects of Brown Trout on Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) have been conducted, including Nyman (1970), Fausch and White (1981), Waters (1983), Fausch and White (1986), and DeWald and Wilzbach (1992). Taylor et al. (1984) listed a number of papers citing the effects of Brown Trout on native fishes. Fausch and White (1981) found that adult Brown Trout displaced adult native Brook Trout from the best habitats in a Michigan stream and from the northeast in general. Over a 15-year monitoring program, Waters (1999) observed a large-scale replacement of Brook Trout by Brown Trout following the introduction of Brown Trout in Valley Creek, MN. Brown Trout production increased to 95% of trout biomass in the stream by the end of the study (Waters 1999). Conversely, juvenile Brook Trout were dominant over juvenile Brown Trout of the same size in an artificial stream (Fausch and White 1986). The competitive advantage of the two species may change with size, age, temperature, stream size, or environmental adaptations of different populations (Fausch and White 1986). Brook Trout are also more susceptible to angling and predation than Brown Trout. Surges of resources (eggs and nutrients) due to salmon entering Great Lakes streams may provide greater benefit to the more competitive Brown Trout, and further increases in Brown Trout abundance may be at the expense of Brook Trout (Hermann et al. 2020). In Lake Ontario, Brown Trout has a high trophic overlap with other salmonids (Chinook, Coho, Lake and Rainbow Trout) (Yuille et al. 2015). In a laboratory experiment with artificial streams, the presence of Brown Trout reduced the survival and fitness related traits of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) (Houde et al. 2015b), and ultimately may hinder the reintroduction of Atlantic Salmon in Lake Ontario and other native ranges (Hagelin and Bergman 2021). Also, the authors suggest that Brown Trout is a better competitor for food than Atlantic Salmon (Houde et al. 2017), except only for when Brown Trout abundance is low (Laroque et al. 2021).
Brown Trout is one of the few foreign species able to hybridize with natives, although the occurrence is considered rare (Brown 1966; Taylor et al. 1984). A study by Grant et al. (2002) in Valley Creek, MN, confirmed that hybridization between male Brown Trout and female Brown Trout occurs in the wild, resulting in a hybrid fish known as Tiger Trout. It also indicated that the interference of Brown Trout in conspecific Brown Trout reproduction could contribute to declines in Brown Trout populations (Grant et al. 2002).
Introduction of the bacteria Aeromanas salmonicida was likely a result of Brown Trout stocking and has led to cases of furunculosis in both native and non-native salmonids, including Brook Trout, Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus), and Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) (Crawford et al. 2001; see GLANSIS fact sheet on A. salmonicida). Of salmonids in the Great Lakes, cultured Brown Trout had the highest rate of infection from bacterial coldwater disease (BCWD), caused by Flavobacterium psychrophilum (Van Vilet et al. 2015).
Effects of Brown Trout on Great Lakes species can also be surmised by Brown Trout biology in general and the effects of Brown Trout on other species outside of the Great Lakes basin.
Brown Trout is a host for cestode parasites Diphyllobothrium spp. (Henrikson et al. 2016) and for the myxozoan endoparasite Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae that causes proliferative kidney disease (PKD) in salmonids (Bruneaeux et al. 2017). Intensity of PKD infections also becomes more intense at water temperatures >19? compared to 16? (Waldner et al. 2021).
Natural hybridization between Brown Trout and Atlantic Salmon, a Lake Ontario native, has been frequently documented in Europe (Hartley 1996; Matthews et al. 2000; Álvarez and Garcia-Vasquez 2011). Survival is reportedly highest among male trout x female salmon hybrids, which may have similar levels of survival to pure salmon while emerging earlier as fry (Álvarez and Garcia-Vasquez 2011).
The introduction of Brown Trout to various waters has resulted in the decline of some other native trout species. In California, competition and predation from Brown Trout may have contributed to the decline of Dolly Varden (S. malma) in the McCloud River (Moyle 1976), and of Golden Trout (Oncorhynchus aguabonita) in the Kern River (Krueger and May 1991; Courtenay and Williams 1992). Brown Trout has commonly replaced Cutthroat Trout (O. clarki) in large rivers (Behnke 1992). McAffee (1966) specifically reports that Lahontan Cutthroat Trout (O. c. henshawi) has been replaced by Brown Trout. Introduced Brown Trout, and other trout species, were likely responsible for the near-extinction of Lahontan Cutthroat Trout in Lake Tahoe in the 1940s (McAffee 1966). Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout in a Montana stream had significantly lower growth rates and had a considerable lack of recruitment where Brown Trout are also present (Al-Chokhachy and Sepulveda 2019). The removal of introduced Brown Trout led to recovery of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout in a small tributary in the intermountain west (Budy et al. 2021). Notably, hatchery-raised Brown Trout have a reduced predation threat to fishes relative to naturalized Brown Trout (Ward et al. 2018).
Brown Trout is also a significant threat to other non-trout species. For example, Brown Trout may have depleted the Modoc Sucker (Catostomus microps), an endangered species, in Rush Creek, Modoc County (Moyle and Marciochi 1975). Brown Trout predation threatens Humpback Chub in Colorado River (Ward et al. 2015), but the threat can be partially mitigated by increasing water turbidity to reduce predation success (Ward et al. 2016). In a human altered river in Utah, the introduction of Brown Trout resulted in its dominance and suppression of native fish populations (Belk et al. 2016). Because of their predatory nature, Brown Trout were introduced into Flaming Gorge Reservoir to reduce populations of the Utah Chub (Gila atraria) (Teuscher and Luecke 1996). Competition with and predation by nonnative species (i.e., Catostomus sp., Creek Chub (Semotilus atromaculatus), Redside Shiner (Richardsonius balteatus), Burbot (Lota lota), Brown Trout (Salmo trutta), and Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush)) limit populations of the rare Bluehead Sucker (Catostomus discobolus) (Wyoming Game and Fish Department 2010). Brown Trout occupy similar habitat types as, and predate upon, Roundtail Chub (Gila robusta) (a species of conservation concern) in Wyoming lakes (Laske et al. 2012). Nonnative predators, including Brown Trout, have been shown to reduce the abundance and diversity of native prey species in several Pacific Northwest rivers (Hughes and Herlihy 2012).
In Chile, Brown Trout appeared to have adverse impacts on Aplochiton spp., a native galaxiid, marked by a complete absence of Aplochiton spp. in all streams containing Brown Trout (Young et al. 2010). Similar findings have been documented with other native Chilean stream fishes (Penaluna et al. 2009). A review by Townsend (1996) documented many impacts of Brown Trout introductions that have been studied in New Zealand, including predation of native galaxiids and their exclusion from stream habitat, potential reduction in insect and other invertebrate populations that may lead to reduced grazing, increased algal biomass and other trophic effects, and facilitation of the evolution of anti-predator behavior of some invertebrates. It is also possible that Brown Trout introduction played some role in the extinction of native New Zealand Grayling (Prototroctes oxyrhynchus) in the 1920s, although evidence from this time period is unavailable (Townsend 1996).
Brown Trout may have an impact on the food web due to its propensity for invertebrates. Its introduction into boreal lakes displaced macroinvertebrates from the pelagic zone and led to a trophic cascade effect that increased species richness of Cladocera (Milardi et al. 2016).
There is little or no evidence to support that Salmo trutta has significant socio-economic impacts in the Great Lakes.
Salmo trutta has a high beneficial effect in the Great Lakes.
As of 2009, Brown Trout continues to be stocked as a sport fish to bolster recreational fisheries in all five Great Lakes and Lake St. Clair (USFWS/GLFC 2010; NYDEC 2011). While Brown Trout was reportedly less popular as a sport fish than Brook Trout (Bence and Smith 1999), it has since grown in popularity and contributed substantially to the recreational harvest in most of the Lakes (Bence and Smith 1999; Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2008).
Brown Trout have the potential to control unwanted species. For example, because of their predatory nature, Brown Trout was introduced into Flaming Gorge Reservoir to reduce populations of the Utah Chub (Gila atraria) (Teuscher and Luecke 1996). Brown Trout also consumes high amounts of the invasive Round Goby in Lake Ontario, but its impact as a biocontrol agent was not directly assessed (Mumby et al. 2018).