4 results for Najas minor (brittle waternymph)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
8763 Najas minor Competition Anecdotal N/A Najas minor starts growing early in the season, which often leads to the blocking of sunlight from reaching native species and inhibiting their growth. 35281
8764 Najas minor Competition Anecdotal N/A Najas minor can also out-compete nearby plants for space. 35281
8765 Najas minor Competition Anecdotal N/A Najas minor grows aggressively in shallow waters and has formed dense, monospecific stands in the shallow waters of Lake Erie. 35281
8766 Najas minor Competition Anecdotal N/A Najas minor can also form dense underwater meshes with other exotic species such as Hydrilla verticillata. 42537

Currently showing impact type "Competition".

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