3 results for Najas minor (brittle waternymph)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
3335 Najas minor Habitat Alteration Experimental Laboratory Najas minor inhibits growth of toxic Microcystis aeruginosa, Anabaena flosaquae, and Scenedesmus acutus var. acutus, with respective decreased effects. 33927
8772 Najas minor Habitat Alteration Anecdotal N/A Although Najas minor typically invades shallow water, in North Carolina dense shoals of N. minor have grown in waters up to 4 meters deep. 42537
8773 Najas minor Habitat Alteration Anecdotal N/A Dense populations of Najas minor (brittle waternymph) have increased sedimentation rates and clogged waterways in Massachusetts. 35281

Currently showing impact type "Habitat Alteration".

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