4 results for Heterosporis sutherlandae (a microsporidian parasite)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
8510 Heterosporis sutherlandae Commerce Anecdotal N/A Lake Ontario commercial fisheries are concerned about the economic impacts of Heterosporis sp. as infected fish suffer a significant loss of muscle tissue and are not marketable (i.e., must be discarded). 16339
8511 Heterosporis sutherlandae Commerce Anecdotal N/A The presence of Heterosporis sp.in Lake Michigan may significantly impede the recovery of depressed yellow perch stocks, which have experienced population declines in Lake Michigan over the past decade. Economic impacts to the yellow perch fisheries could be realized if Heterosporis sutherlandae becomes established there. 16339
8513 Heterosporis sutherlandae Commerce Anecdotal N/A The presence of Heterosporis sp.in Lake Michigan may significantly impede the recovery of depressed yellow perch stocks, which have experienced population declines in Lake Michigan over the past decade. Economic impacts to the yellow perch fisheries could be realized if Heterosporis sutherlandae becomes established there. 16339
8514 Heterosporis sutherlandae Commerce Anecdotal N/A Laboratory-based infections of Heterosporis sp. have been observed in commercially valuable Great Lakes native species including brook trout, lake trout , fathead minnow, and largemouth bass, and valuable non-native species including Coho salmon, rainbow trout, and brown trout. The trout and minnow species are highly susceptible to infection, while the bass and salmon are less susceptible and experience much less muscle damage. Economic impacts to wild and cultured populations could be observed. 16339

Currently showing impact type "Commerce".

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