3 results for Salmincola edwardsii (gill louse)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
4124 Salmincola edwardsii Disease/Parasite/Toxicity Observational Field Combined with the effects of climate change, S. edwardsii reduced recruitment of age-0 Salvelinus fontinalis by 77-89% between 2012-2014 leading to their near extirpation from a Wisconsin stream Wisconsin 35339
4126 Salmincola edwardsii Disease/Parasite/Toxicity Experimental Laboratory The swimming ability of Oncorhynchus tshawytscha greatly diminished by Salmincola spp. and fatigue greatly increased, which suggests that gill infection reduces gas exchange and osmotic regulation 35253
4127 Salmincola edwardsii Disease/Parasite/Toxicity Experimental Laboratory Salvelinus fontinalis parasitized by S. edwardsii had reduced resistance to high temperatures 35340

Currently showing impact type "Disease/Parasite/Toxicity".

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