Current research on the environmental impact of Thermocyclops crassus in the Great Lakes is inadequate to support proper assessment. Potential:
In Lake George, Uganda this species owes its dominance in the zooplankton community to its ability to raptorially-feed on Microcystis (Moriarty et al. 1973). Microcystis blooms in the Great Lakes may give this species an advantage over native species that are incapable of feeding on Microcystis. However, in Lake Erie Thermocyclops crassus is much less prevalent than the most similar copepod species, Mesocyclops edax (EPA 2016; Connolly et al. 2017), suggesting that Microcystis has not yet facilitated dominance by T. crassus.
The diets and habitats of M. edax and T. crassus likely overlap with each other and both species have similar seasonal life cycles. However, in Germany T. crassus is known to coexist with other cyclopoids such as Mesocyclops leuckarti, which is closely related to M. edax. In warm years, T. crassus was more abundant than M. leuckarti in the Gronne and in some eutrophic environments this species has outcompeted and replaced other Thermocyclops spp. (Dumont 1965; Maier 1989a). It is not certain if T. crassus could outcompete M. edax and other zooplankton in the Great Lakes but the evidence suggests that this species is more competitive in warm, eutrophic waters. Therefore, we conclude T. crassus likely will not displace M. edax or other zooplankton in the Great Lakes, but rising temperatures associated with climate change may benefit this species and confer it a competitive advantage over native copepods in nearshore, productive embayments.
In the Gronne, egg production and instar duration times of T. crassus did not give this species a competitive advantage over Cyclops vicinus and M. leuckarti. However, T. crassus was found to have a competitive advantage over C. vicinus and M. leuckarti in situations with high fish predation (Maier 1989a).
Reid and Pinto-Coelho (1994) outlined various intercontinental copepod introductions and concluded that the ecological impacts of these introductions are often difficult to determine. While in some rare cases introduced exotic copepod species appeared to displace native copepod species. In most documented exotic copepod introductions to the western hemisphere no impacts on native copepod species could be directly attributed to the introduced species.
There is little or no evidence to support that Thermocyclops crassus has significant socio-economic impacts in the Great Lakes.
Zooplankton grazing on Microcystis can recycle nutrients that help sustain the biomass of a Microcystis bloom (Paerl and Otten 2013). Thermocyclops crassus is known to graze on Microcystis (Moriarty et al. 1973) suggesting that this species could help sustain HABs. However, there is no indication in the literature that this species significantly impacts the sustainability of a bloom.
There is little or no evidence to support that Thermocyclops crassus has significant beneficial effects in the Great Lakes.
Cyclopoid copepods have been found to be effective mosquito control agents in several cases (Marten et al. 1994; Nam et al. 1998). Several different species of Mesocyclops and Thermocyclops crassus were used to control the mosquito Aedes aegypti—the principal vector in the transmission of dengue fever—in a Vietnamese village. Within the first 12 months the copepod-treated village had 30–97% less mosquito larvae than the control village. The researchers employed a community-based approach that had community members recycle to eliminate unused and discarded containers that collected rainwater and provided breeding habitat for mosquitoes that were not treated with Mesocyclops or Thermocyclops. The use of cyclopoid copepods in combination with community recycling completely eradicated the mosquito from the village within 18 months (Nam et al. 1998).
Use of T. crassus for mosquito control would be unwarranted in the Great Lakes region as native cyclopoids (e.g. M. edax) would be the more appropriate species to use for biocontrol.
Copepods are ideal and adequate food for fish larvae in aquaculture facilities. However, another species of copepod M. aspericornis was found to be more nutritional than T. hyalinus (synonym of T. crassus) (Vidhya et al. 2014).