Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook, 1855)

Common Name: Bluespotted Sunfish

Synonyms and Other Names:

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Identification: The bluespotted sunfish has a single dorsal fin, spines present in the dorsal and anal fins, three anal spines, a rounded caudal fin, a dark, vertical bar below each eye, middle and rear dorsal spines of approximately equal length, 18 or less scale rows around caudal peduncle, light spots on sides (blue to white in life), and vertical bars that are generally lacking, but if present, indistinct and numbering five or less. For further identification details, see Smith (1985); Page and Burr (1991); Jenkins and Burkhead (1994); Mettee et al. (1996).

Size: 9.5 cm

Native Range: Atlantic and Gulf Slope drainages below Fall Line from southern New York to lower Tombigbee River, Alabama, south to southern Florida; above Fall Line in New York and Pennsylvania (Page and Burr 1991).

Great Lakes Nonindigenous Occurrences: This species has been introduced into the Big Black River drainage in Mississippi (Peterson and Ross 1987; Ross and Brenneman 1991); discovered in the Jamesville Reservoir, south of Syracuse, New York, in 1971 (Werner 1972; Lee et al. 1980 et seq.; Smith 1985), collections also were made in 1916 from Oneida Lake, just north of Syracuse (Smith 1985) and may represent an early introduction or a relict population. It has been introduced to the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania, were it has been collected from Mountain Creek in Cumberland County, Stony Creek in Dauphin County, Lake Winola in Wyoming County, and Harvey's Lake in Luzerne County (Denoncourt et al. 1975), and Bald Eagle Lake (Cooper 1983).

Table 1. Great Lakes region nonindigenous occurrences, the earliest and latest observations in each state/province, and the tally and names of HUCs with observations†. Names and dates are hyperlinked to their relevant specimen records. The list of references for all nonindigenous occurrences of Enneacanthus gloriosus are found here.

Full list of USGS occurrences

State/ProvinceFirst ObservedLast ObservedTotal HUCs with observations†HUCs with observations†
NY191619862Lake Ontario; Oneida

Table last updated 5/31/2024

† Populations may not be currently present.

* HUCs are not listed for areas where the observation(s) cannot be approximated to a HUC (e.g. state centroids or Canadian provinces).

Ecology: The preferred habitats for the bluespotted sunfish are oxbows and side ponds characterized by dense submerged aquatic vegetation (Peterson and Vanderkooy 1997). Enneacanthus gloriosus is an opportunistic forager in areas with submerged aquatic vegetation and exhibits no seasonal pattern of prey consumption (Snyder and Peterson 1980). Bluespotted sunfish is planktivorous, feeding primarily on cyclopoid copepods, cladocerans, chironomid larvae, and ostracods, or similar invertebrate assemblages throughout their range (Snyder and Peterson 1999). In New York and New Jersey, E. gloriosus had a protracted spawning season, extending from late spring through summer (Snyder 1999). In Mississippi, spawning occurred from mid-April thorugh September, and in Florida, spawning occurred between April and October. Snyder (1999) also found that bluespotted sunfish in Florida and Mississippi spawned during their first year of life at <30 mm TL, whereas specimens from New England were found to spawn in their second year between 40 and 50 mm. These fish have been found to adopt a crepuscular feeding pattern in both laboratory and field observations (Casterlin and Reynolds 1980).

Means of Introduction: The presence of this species in the Jamesville Reservoir is probably due to an aquarium release sometime between 1951 and 1966 (Werner 1972). However, it is theoretically possible that the species migrated up from the Hudson River, through the Erie or Barge Canal, to Oneida Lake, then up the Chittenango River and Butternut Creek into Jamesville Reservoir. Although Werner (1972) states that no specimens have ever been collected in the intervening area, there is a collection from Oneida Lake dating back to 1916; the only other collection in the Great Lakes basin (Smith 1985). These fish may either represent a relict population or an introduction earlier than what was calculated in Jamesville Reservoir (Smith 1985). One factor against the canal migration hypothesis is that there is a 2–3 m-high weir with which a fish moving upstream from Oneida Lake to Jamesville Reservoir would have to contend (Werner 1972). Jamesville Reservoir was created in 1874, the same year the Erie Canal opened (Werner 1972). The origin of the Pennsylvania fish is unknown. They may be either natural populations or accidental introductions. Because this species is sometime kept as an aquarium species, aquarium release is a possible means of introductions in Pennsylvania (Denoncourt et al. 1975). Unknown means of introduction for the Big Black River drainage, Mississippi.

Status: Established in Jamesville Reservoir, New York, and Big Black River drainage, Mississippi. Collected from Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania. Extirpated from Oneida Lake, New York.

Great Lakes Impacts: Current research on the environmental impact of Enneacanthus gloriosus in the Great Lakes is inadequate to support proper assessment.

Few studies exist on this species' effects on predator-prey relationships, competition, effects on water quality, or other environmental factors

There is little or no evidence to support that Enneacanthus gloriosus has significant socio-economic impacts in the Great Lakes.

No negative impacts to human health or economics have been reported.

Current research on the beneficial effect of Enneacanthus gloriosus in the Great Lakes is inadequate to support proper assessment.

Few studies exist on any beneficial impact this species may have in the Great Lakes region.

Management: Regulations (pertaining to the Great Lakes)
There are no known regulations for this species.

Note: Check federal, state/provincial, and local regulations for the most up-to-date information.

There are no known biological control methods specific to this species.  Manipulation of the trophic cascade (stocking of predators such as pike, bass or walleye) may provide some measure of control.

There are no known physical control methods for this species.

Of the four chemical piscicides  registered for use in the United States, antimycin A and rotenone are considered “general” piscicides, but no studies have been found of their effects on Enneacanthus gloriosus (GLMRIS 2012).

Increasing CO2 concentrations, either by bubbling pressurized gas directly into water or by the addition of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) has been used to sedate fishes with minimal residual toxicity, and is a potential method of harvesting fish for removal, though maintaining adequate CO2 concentrations may be difficult in large/natural water bodies (Clearwater et al. 2008). CO2 is approved only for use as an anesthetic for cold, cool, and warm water fishes the US, not for use as euthanasia, and exposure to NaHCO3 concentration of 142-642 mg/L for 5 min. is sufficient to anaesthetize most fish (Clearwater et al. 2008).

Gonzalez and Dunson (1989) found that Enneacanthus gloriosus exposed to pH 4.25 and 4.0 grew at a lower rate (30-40% less growth) than fish of the same species exposed to higher pH (4.5, 5.0, 5.8). Survival of E. gloriosus was reduced at pH 3.5 and eliminated at pH 3.25, and the authors concluded that E. gloriosus would be excluded from habitats that regularly drop below pH 4.0 (Gonzalez and Dunson 1989).

It should be noted that chemical treatment will often lead to non-target kills, and so all options for management of a species should be adequately studied before a decision is made to use piscicides or other chemicals. Potential effects on non-target plants and organisms, including macroinvertebrates and other fish, should always be deliberately evaluated and analyzed. The effects of combinations of management chemicals and other toxicants, whether intentional or unintentional, should be understood prior to chemical treatment. Boogaard et al. (2003) found that the lampricides 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) and 2’,5-dichloro-4’-nitrosalicylanilide (niclosamide) demonstrate additive toxicity when combined. In another study on cumulative toxicity, combinations of Bayer 73 (niclosamide) and TFM with contaminants common in the Great Lakes (pesticides, heavy metals, industrial organics, phosphorus, and sediments) were found to be mostly additive in toxicity to rainbow trout, and one combination of TFM, Delnav, and malathion was synergistic, with toxicity magnified 7.9 times (Marking and Bills 1985). This highlights the need for managers to conduct on-site toxicity testing and to give serious consideration to determining the total toxic burden to which organisms may be exposed when using chemical treatments (Marking and Bills 1985). Other non-selective alterations of water quality, such as reducing dissolved oxygen levels or altering pH, could also have a deleterious impact on native fish, invertebrates, and other fauna or flora, and their potential harmful effects should therefore be evaluated thoroughly.

Note: Check state/provincial and local regulations for the most up-to-date information regarding permits for control methods. Follow all label instructions.

Remarks: Maximum body size in Missippi populations was at the extreme lower range of body size noted in all geographic locations where data on E. gloriosus was available: 85 mm TL in New England, 77 mm TL in Georgia and Florida, and 58.4mm in Mississippi (Snyder 1999). Voucher specimens: New York (College of Environmental Science and Forestry at Syracuse University), Pennsylvania (CU 16429; PSU; University of Maryland, Appalachian Environmental Laboratory, LaVale).

References (click for full reference list)

Author: Fuller, P., G. Jacobs, J. Larson, T.H. Makled, and A. Fusaro

Contributing Agencies:

Revision Date: 1/8/2020

Peer Review Date: 8/2/2013

Citation for this information:
Fuller, P., G. Jacobs, J. Larson, T.H. Makled, and A. Fusaro, 2024, Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook, 1855): U.S. Geological Survey, Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database, Gainesville, FL, and NOAA Great Lakes Aquatic Nonindigenous Species Information System, Ann Arbor, MI, https://nas.er.usgs.gov/queries/greatLakes/FactSheet.aspx?Species_ID=377, Revision Date: 1/8/2020, Peer Review Date: 8/2/2013, Access Date: 6/1/2024

This information is preliminary or provisional and is subject to revision. It is being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The information has not received final approval by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and is provided on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the information.