4 results for Glyceria maxima (reed mannagrass)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
8002 Glyceria maxima Habitat Alteration Anecdotal N/A (reed manna grass) has an extensive system of roots and rhizomes. 25469
8003 Glyceria maxima Habitat Alteration Anecdotal N/A Dense populations of Glyceria maxima (reed manna grass) create rhizomal mats that can trap sediment faster than native species. This increased sedimentation can alter the flow of water, restrict or even clog small waterways and drainages, and cause flooding. 25475
8004 Glyceria maxima Habitat Alteration Observational Field Availability of organic material and denitrifying capacity is high in Glyceria maxima (reed manna grass) dominant ecosystems. 25468
8005 Glyceria maxima Habitat Alteration Experimental Laboratory Glyceria maxima (reed manna grass) uptakes available ammonium, which further decreases nitrifying activities. As G. maxima increases in a habitat, the availability of nitrogen in the soil could decrease. 25473

Currently showing impact type "Habitat Alteration".

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