3 results for Timoniella sp. (a digenean fluke, trematode)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
8591 Timoniella sp. Biocontrol Observational Field Timoniella sp. infection of the introduced Eurasian ruffe in the Great Lakes has ranged from densities of 7-61 parasites per ruffe, with up to 100% prevalence. However, it is believed that Timoniella sp. is unlikely to help regulate populations of the introduced Eurasian ruffe. Great Lakes, USA 16426
8592 Timoniella sp. Biocontrol Observational Field A relationship between resistance to anoxia in Eurasian ruffe and its parasite load has been observed, such that increased richness of parasites, including Timoniella sp., negatively affects the ruffe's ability to survive low-oxygen conditions. 16356
8593 Timoniella sp. Biocontrol Anecdotal N/A Species of Timoniella have been documented to occur in gobies outside the Great Lakes. It is not known how the presence of these parasites might affect nonnative fish population dynamics and competitive interactions with native fishes in the Great Lakes. 16360

Currently showing impact type "Biocontrol".

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