6 results for Phragmites australis australis (common reed)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
5910 Phragmites australis australis Water Quality Benefit Anecdotal N/A P. australis has the potential to filter out nutrients and heavy metals from wastewater, sediment, and soil. 40751
5924 Phragmites australis australis Water Quality Benefit Observational Field P. australis bioaccumulates metals from sediments filtering them out of water with concentrations higher in the roots than the shoots for most minerals Mvudi River, South Africa 40899
5925 Phragmites australis australis Water Quality Benefit Experimental Laboratory P. australis recycled biomass can be used as a biosorbent removing 40-100% of Cu, Fe, and Zn with the highest removal of Fe. 40753
5926 Phragmites australis australis Water Quality Benefit Experimental Laboratory Phragmites can be used as a biosorbent and was able to absorb Methylene blue and congo red making it a viable remediation tool for textile and paper industries. 40781
5927 Phragmites australis australis Water Quality Benefit Experimental Laboratory P. australis reduced nitrate concentrations in water in dark and light conditions with 3 hr incubations reducing levels 61-88% and 82-90% respectively. This was primarily driven by denitrification. 40790
6813 Phragmites australis australis Water Quality Benefit Anecdotal N/A As a wetland plant, Phragmites improves water quality by filtration and nutrient removal. 27562

Currently showing impact type "Water Quality Benefit".

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