8 results for Stratiotes aloides (water soldiers)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
5590 Stratiotes aloides Competition Observational Field In the Rossmore Bay in Galway, Ireland the extended cover of Stratiotes aloides caused a decline in native plants in the area with Hottonia palustris and Elodea nuttallii no longer being observed in the area. Rossmore Bay, Galway, Ireland 39759
5591 Stratiotes aloides Competition Experimental Laboratory Stratiotes aloides suppresses algae through shading and nutrient competition. Gagarinsky District, Moscow, Russia 39761
5596 Stratiotes aloides Competition Anecdotal N/A Stratiotes aloides can form dense mats that outcompete native vegetation for space and nutrients. This can include inhibiting phytoplankton growth. Ontario, Canada 39823
5598 Stratiotes aloides Competition Observational Laboratory Stratiotes aloides alters the mineral nitrogen concentration in water bodies causing a decrease in phytoplankton biomass and suggesting a potential competition for nitrogen. Lake Buzysko, Bug River, Poland 29851
5639 Stratiotes aloides Competition Experimental Laboratory Stratiotes aloides releases exudates that cause allelopathic inhibition of phytoplankton and increased the duration of biovolume doubling time. 39929
7153 Stratiotes aloides Competition Anecdotal N/A Stratiotes aloides has formed dense colonies with large numbers (22,000 plants in seven colonies) in Trent River, Ontario. 18807
7154 Stratiotes aloides Competition Anecdotal N/A Stratiotes aloides has been described by government agencies as likely to crowd out native vegetation. 29841
7155 Stratiotes aloides Competition Observational Field Stratiotes aloides forms "dense, almost monospecific stands" in its native habitat. Buzysko Lake, Poland 29851

Currently showing impact type "Competition".

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