12 results for Procambarus virginalis (marbled crayfish)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
6423 Procambarus virginalis Predation/Herbivory Observational Field Procambarus virginalis transports energy from bottom trophic levels to top predators, and can be considered a keystone species. Leopoldov, Slovak Republic 38973
6425 Procambarus virginalis Predation/Herbivory Observational Field Procambarus virginalis process autochthonous and allochthonous detritus. Leopoldov, Slovak Republic 38973
9270 Procambarus virginalis Predation/Herbivory Experimental Laboratory Lab experiments show that marbled crayfish preyed upon gammarids and zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha). Marbled crayfish showed an intermediate effect on both prey species. 40017
9271 Procambarus virginalis Predation/Herbivory Experimental Laboratory In a lab environment, Procambarus virginalis displayed a preference for dead fish and dreissenid mussels out of the non-mobile prey items. For the mobile prey items, chironomids and gammarids were preferred. 40078
9272 Procambarus virginalis Predation/Herbivory Observational Field Field studies in Hungary report that Procambarus virginalis rely on detritus (31% contribution) and algae (30%) as its most important food source while zoobenthos (24%) and macrophytes (15%) contribute less. River Danube, Hungary 40079
9273 Procambarus virginalis Predation/Herbivory Experimental Laboratory The round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) was found to be an effective predator of marbled crayfish in lab experiments. Round goby had a significantly higher attack rate on marbled crayfish relative to the other species examined and the authors note that round goby ‘may demonstrate a potential to regulate P. virginalis populations in the wild’. 41958
9274 Procambarus virginalis Predation/Herbivory Experimental Laboratory In lab experiments, marbled crayfish predation had a marginal impact on Dreissena mussels. Results suggest long-term consumption of dreissenid mussels by marbled crayfish could impact populations in the field. 41966
9275 Procambarus virginalis Predation/Herbivory Experimental Laboratory Predation experiments show that round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) is an effective predator of marbled crayfish. All small and medium crayfish were consumed while 70% of large crayfish were killed in the experimental arena. 41972
9276 Procambarus virginalis Predation/Herbivory Experimental Laboratory Predation experiments indicate that marbled crayfish is a predator of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fry. 41981
9287 Procambarus virginalis Predation/Herbivory Anecdotal N/A Procambarus virginalis can exploit multiple trophic levels and can be a prey item for top predators, it has the potential to significantly impact the food webs in invaded areas. 40013
9288 Procambarus virginalis Predation/Herbivory Anecdotal N/A After the introduction of Procambarus virginalis in a Polish nature reserve, anecdotal reports suggest that P. virginalis negatively impacted the frog community. Locals report that the frog croaking activity in the area has declined with "the forest becoming increasingly quiet." 40039
9289 Procambarus virginalis Predation/Herbivory Experimental Laboratory Procambarus virginalis, in lab studies, has demonstrated trophic plasticity in lake food webs. Its introduction impacts macrophytes, macrophyte-dependent organisms, and the allochthonous detritus decomposition in invaded ecosystems. 40078

Currently showing impact type "Predation/Herbivory".

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