5 results for Gambusia affinis (Western Mosquitofish)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
4298 Gambusia affinis Competition Observational Field Gambusia affinis outcompetes Crenichthys baileyi (the White River springfish) for habitat, becoming the dominant species and replacing C. baileyi in some habitats in a spring system in Nevada. Nevada, USA 119
5420 Gambusia affinis Competition Anecdotal N/A Introduced Gambusia affinis has been particularly destructive in the American West where they have contributed to the elimination or decline of populations of federally endangered and threatened species 901
5421 Gambusia affinis Competition Observational Field Gambusia affinis caused a habitat shift and a reduction in numbers of the threatened Railroad Valley springfish (Crenichthys baileyi) in springs in Nevada Nevada 119
5422 Gambusia affinis Competition Observational Field Gambusia affinis caused the local elimination of the endangered Sonoran topminnow (Poeciliopsis occidentalis) in Arizona Arizona 24270
5426 Gambusia affinis Competition Observational Field Gambusia affinis use the same habitat as the plains topminnow (Fundulus sciadicus) and have displaced the topminnow and other species with their aggressive behavior 1639

Currently showing impact type "Competition".

View all impact types for Gambusia affinis