Not established in North America, including the Great Lakes. Perca fluviatilis has a high probability of establishment if introduced to the Great Lakes (Confidence level: Moderate).
Eurasian perch occurs in Australia, which has a similar climate to most of the US, except for the Desert Southwest (USFWS Risk Summary 2012). Eurasian perch has a somewhat broad physiological tolerance. It is likely able to overwinter in the Great Lakes. This species is known to overwinter in Lake Constance, Germany, at temperatures between 4°–6°C, but may experience depletion of lipid reserves and post-spawning mortality as a result of overwintering (Eckmann 2004). Eurasian perch requires clear waters with a considerable level of light penetration to forage effectively (Granqvist and Mattila 2004). High nutrient levels and turbidity may be detrimental to the growth and survival of this species. It is predicted by Lehtonen (1996) that increased temperatures due to climate change will result in Eurasian perch spawning later in autumn and hatching earlier. In addition, it is expected that larvae will be smaller and will be more vulnerable to possible predators. Juveniles are predicted to grow to a larger size after their first summer due to warmer water temperatures. In contrast, Eurasian perch reach sexual maturity earlier in the southern hemisphere (non-native range) relative to the northern hemisphere (Morgan et al. 2002), likely due to warmer temperatures and greater prey availability. The shift of Eurasian perch to piscivory also begins earlier in the southern hemisphere, increasing its establishment success (Wedderburn et al. 2016). A climate change case study in Curonian lagoon, Lithuania revealed that European perch preferred brackish water (salinity 3–6‰) over freshwater and warmer water (18°C) over cooler water (12°C), but had no change in growth rate between water conditions (Dainys et al. 2019). Further, across 52 boreal European lakes fish biomass production decreased as temperature increased from 16 to 22°C and lake color darkened (van Dorst et al. 2019). Higher temperatures may constrict oxygen uptake in larger individuals, promoting smaller body sizes in warming waters (Christensen et al. 2020).
Eurasian perch is carnivorous and feeds on a wide variety of foods including zooplankton, insect larvae, crustaceans, and small fish (Toner and Rougeot 2008). Larvae feed on algae and zooplankton. It is likely that this species will find an appropriate food source in the Great Lakes. In its native range, Eurasian perch exhibits interspecific competition for food with the invasive ruffe, Gymnocephalus cernua (L.)(Erkmann 2004; Schleuter 2007) which also occurs as a non-native in the Great Lakes. Both species are benthic feeders at some point of their development and both inhabit the littoral zone. Eurasian perch is a visually oriented predator and competition favors it in oligotrophic conditions. On the other hand, the ruffe is favored in more eutrophic conditions and can feed in turbid environments. When ruffe is the superior competitor, there is a decline in the growth and yields of Eurasian perch.
If introduced into the Great Lakes, Eurasian perch will be likely prey for native piscivores, including pike. The extent to which these predators may suppress the establishment of Euraisan perch is unknown. In laboratory trials, Eurasian perch exhibited group defense behavior and were more resistant to predation by pike than Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii) (Smirinov et al. 2019). In aquarium experiments, Eurasian perch adapted its habitat use to avoid that of pike and ruffe, both of which are potential predators and competitors of Eurasian perch (Henseler et al. 2020).
Eurasian perch has reproductive traits that could support its establishment in the Great Lakes. It has an average relative fecundity of102,000 eggs/kg of body weight which is comparable to a similar species native to the Great Lakes, Perca flavescens (79,000–223,000 eggs/kg) (Sheri and Power 1969). Both perch species’ egg strands are generally considered unpalatable biological material, thus making them resistant to predation (Vejrik et al. 2017).
Kolar and Lodge (2002) developed models that predicted that Eurasian perch has a high risk for establishment, will spread quickly, and will be a nuisance in the Great Lakes. Eurasian perch has been introduced to several countries including Australia, South Africa, China, Cyprus, Ireland, Italy, Morocco, New Zealand, Spain, and South Africa for its reputation as an angling species (Welcomme 1988). Eurasian perch growth is stunted in some waters in Cyprus. In New Zealand, it is reproducing artificially. The introduction of Eurasian perch to South Africa is considered marginally successful. Non-native Eurasian perch successfully colonized the mediterranean Lake Skadar within 35 years of introduction, and are the dominant fish in littoral habitats in both the northern and southern parts of the lake (Mrdak et al. 2018).
In Australia, Eurasian perch tends to outcompete native species (Welcomme 1988). It is a potential competitor with other fish that feed on invertebrates and small fish including Great Lakes native fish, such as brook trout, lake whitefish, and bluegill (Thorpe 1977). New South Wales, Australia considers Eurasian perch a noxious fish due to their ability to eliminate other fish species and for their negative impacts on recreational fisheries (NSWDPI 2012).