6 results for Cipangopaludina chinensis (Chinese mysterysnail)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
1889 Cipangopaludina chinensis Competition Experimental Laboratory This species has been shown to alter feeding behavior in the native snail Helisoma trivolvis (marsh rams-horn) when present in high densities. 32961
1890 Cipangopaludina chinensis Competition Experimental Laboratory During mesocosm experiments, C. chinesis reduced the abundance of the native snail Lymnaea stagnalis; when Faxonius rusticus (the rusty crayfish) co-occured with Cipangopaludina chinensis, Lymnaea stagnalis was extipated from the mesocosm. 24564
5524 Cipangopaludina chinensis Competition Anecdotal Field Cipangopaludina chinensis compete with native snails for food in Wisconsin, United States. Wisconsin, United States 39778
8204 Cipangopaludina chinensis Competition Observational Field In a survey of Wisconsin lakes, the abundance of native Lymnaea stagnalis to be negatively correlated with the abundance of mystery snail (Cipangopaludina chinensis), suggesting that C. chinensis may be an important driver of competition and native snail displacement on the community-scale. Wisoconsin, USA 24564
9040 Cipangopaludina chinensis Competition Observational Field Cipangopaludina chinensis compete with native mollusks for food. 42616
9042 Cipangopaludina chinensis Competition Observational Field Populations of Cipangopaludina chinensis in areas with populations of invasive Faxonius rusticus drove one native snail species to local extinction and reduced another to only 5% of its original population size. 42616

Currently showing impact type "Competition".

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