12 results for Pistia stratiotes (water lettuce)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
2827 Pistia stratiotes Habitat Alteration Observational Field The obstruction of sunlight caused by dense mats of Pistia stratiotes and Pontederia crassipes (water hyacinth) resulted in a reduction of the total amount of plankton and species diversity of plankton present in the impoundment being studied. This diminished primary production, and lead to a decreased level of water turbidity. 33790
2833 Pistia stratiotes Habitat Alteration Observational Field Dense mats of P. stratiotes may reduce water temperature, reduce pH, promote stratification, and inhibit the of wind-generated mixing of waterbodies. Additionally, dense mats of Pistia stratiotes can reduce the amount of dissolved oxygen in water to anoxic or hypoxic conditions through the reduction of macrophyte and algal growth, the respiratory activity of its roots, the decomposition of dying plants. 29732
2843 Pistia stratiotes Habitat Alteration Anecdotal N/A Waterlettuce poses many of the same environmental and economic problems as waterhyacinth, namely, loss of habitat, flood control, and unrestricted navigation. 29782
2844 Pistia stratiotes Habitat Alteration Observational Field The intertwined root systems of water lettuce (composed of long adventitious roots arrayed with copious lateral rootlets) of extensive infestations accelerate siltation rates as they slow water velocities in rivers and streams. 28619
4087 Pistia stratiotes Habitat Alteration Observational Field Aquatic macrophytes, including Pistia stratoites, were found to be the potential source for accumulation of heavy metals from water and wetlands. Due to this, macrophytes may serve as a potential vector of the reintroduction of heavy metals and contaminants back into the food web. 33788
5159 Pistia stratiotes Habitat Alteration Experimental Laboratory Pistia stratiotes significantly reduced dissolved oxygen concentrations and decreased abundance and diversity of benthic invertebrates compared to mesocosms without floating plants (open water). 37822
7133 Pistia stratiotes Habitat Alteration Anecdotal N/A Pistia stratiotes increased sedimentation by shredding roots and shoots. 31302
7134 Pistia stratiotes Habitat Alteration Observational Field Pistia stratiotes alters the physio-chemical condition of substrate. Volta Lake 29732
7135 Pistia stratiotes Habitat Alteration Observational Field Evapotranspiration rates with Pistia stratiotes are 8-17x greater than evaporation rates without P. stratiotes. Oba Lake, Nigeria 29782
7255 Pistia stratiotes Habitat Alteration Observational Field Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) invasion in Prilipe oxbow lake reduced water clarity, water circulation, and oxygen saturation. Sava oxbow lake, Prilipe, Slovenia 41788
9589 Pistia stratiotes Habitat Alteration Experimental Field In China, Pistia stratiotes grows in very dense, monospecific stands which blocks light and oxygen exchange, reducing native submerged plants. China 43180
9595 Pistia stratiotes Habitat Alteration Observational Field In China, Pistia stratiotes create suitable habitat for mosquito oviposition and reduce the effectiveness of fish predation of mosquito larvae. China 43180

Currently showing impact type "Habitat Alteration".

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