3 results for Eichhornia crassipes (common water-hyacinth)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
3039 Eichhornia crassipes Recreation Observational Field Pontederia crassipes restricts boat access and impedes other recreational activities such as angler access and swimming in a Texas Lake, requiring herbicide treatment and water withdrawal to control the plant. 31435
3511 Eichhornia crassipes Recreation Observational Field Dense mats of Pontederia crassipes can reduce flow in irrigation channels, interfere with watercraft navigation, and clog hydroelectric power generation. 34001
7032 Eichhornia crassipes Recreation Anecdotal N/A The large, dense monoculture formed by Eichhornia crassipes covers lakes and rivers, blocking waterways, and interfering with tourism activities. 42102

Currently showing impact type "Recreation".

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