12 results for Potamogeton crispus (curly-leaf pondweed)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
3142 Potamogeton crispus Recreation Anecdotal N/A The summer die-offs of Potamogeton crispus cause low dissolved oxygen and increase nutrients that can cause algal blooms, resulting in bad smells and a mess on beaches. 17917
3418 Potamogeton crispus Recreation Anecdotal N/A Potamogeton crispus creates large mats that interfere with recreation. 17917
3420 Potamogeton crispus Recreation Anecdotal N/A Potamogeton crispus creates large mats that interfere with recreation. 33974
3422 Potamogeton crispus Recreation Anecdotal N/A Potamogeton crispus creates large mats that interfere with recreation. 28405
3463 Potamogeton crispus Recreation Observational Field The dense mats formed by Potamogeton crispus have had a negative impact on recreation in Shawano Lake, Wisconsin. 16463
3467 Potamogeton crispus Recreation Observational Field The dense mats created by Potamogeton crispus impact boating and other recreation on Brown’s Pond in Newburgh, New York, and cost $40,148.00 in order to introduce sterile grass carp to control the plant. 17284
3468 Potamogeton crispus Recreation Observational Field Potamogeton crispus has dominated Lake Benton, Minnesota and affected recreation, leading to treatment with the herbicide fluridone. 17825
3485 Potamogeton crispus Recreation Anecdotal N/A Potamogeton crispus grows in dense stands that impede water-based recreation. 17902
6448 Potamogeton crispus Recreation Observational Field Swimmers don't enjoy swimming through Potamogeton crispus. Fairmont, Minnesota 41932
6449 Potamogeton crispus Recreation Observational Field Potamogeton crispus damages the motors of boats. Fairmont, Minnesota 41932
6450 Potamogeton crispus Recreation Observational Field People manually remove Potamogeton crispus from lakes by raking it as it impedes recreation and is unsightly. Fairmont, Minnesota 41932
8860 Potamogeton crispus Recreation Anecdotal N/A Dense colonies of curlyleaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus) can restrict access to docks and fishing areas until July, when the plants die back. 35289

Currently showing impact type "Recreation".

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