11 results for Bythotrephes longimanus (spiny waterflea)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
4577 Bythotrephes longimanus Competition Observational Field Bythotrephes are suspected to contribute to the decrease in alewife Daphnia hyalina populations during the summer months in Lago Maggiore. Lago Maggiore 33103
4599 Bythotrephes longimanus Competition Observational Field Bythotrephes could compete with Leptodora (native waterfleas) for daphnid prey. Lake Michigan 33102
4600 Bythotrephes longimanus Competition Experimental Laboratory In a laboratory study, surface-dwelling Daphnia mendotae migrated to deeper and colder regions of the water column while in the presence of Bythotrephes longimanus kairomones. This resulted in a 36% reduction in somatic growth of Daphnia mendotae over a 4-day period. Michigan 24424
4662 Bythotrephes longimanus Competition Experimental Field Bythotrephes longimanus likely compete with other vertebrate predators for zooplankton prey, such as lake herring Coregonus artedi Michigan 20507
4664 Bythotrephes longimanus Competition Anecdotal Field Bythotrephes may control the abundance of Cercopagis pengoi though competition and predation. Michigan 33105
7448 Bythotrephes longimanus Competition Observational Field Bythotrephes longimanus can consume more zooplankton than some native zooplanktivores, including larval stages of fishes of economically and culturally significance, such as Sander vitreus. 42359
8344 Bythotrephes longimanus Competition Observational Field Bythotrephes longimanus (spiny waterflea) consumes small zooplankton, such as small cladocerans, copepods, and rotifers, potentially competing directly with planktivorous larval fish for food. 14016
8345 Bythotrephes longimanus Competition Anecdotal N/A Bythotrephes longimanus (spiny waterflea) consumes zooplankton, so it likely competes with planktivorous larval fish. 33104
8346 Bythotrephes longimanus Competition Anecdotal N/A Many studies have documented a negative correlation between abundances of Bythotrephes longimanus (spiny waterflea) and Leptodora (a native waterflea), implying that competition and/or predation from spiny waterflea has played a significant role in observed declines of Leptodora kindti. 24418
8347 Bythotrephes longimanus Competition Observational Field Vertical migration has also been observed in Daphnia spp. and copepod (e.g., Diacyclops thomasi, Leptomdiaptomus ashlandi, Leptomdiaptomus minutus) populations following Bythotrephes longimanus (spiny waterflea) invasion, indicating that some species may alter their spatial distribution (migrate to deeper waters during the day) to avoid spiny water predation or competition. 24416
8348 Bythotrephes longimanus Competition Observational Field Vertical migration has also been observed in Daphnia spp. and copepod (e.g., Diacyclops thomasi, Leptomdiaptomus ashlandi, Leptomdiaptomus minutus) populations following Bythotrephes longimanus (spiny waterflea) invasion. Such migration can lead to an indirect negative effect on these native prey species, including reduced individual and population growth rates at lower temperatures. 24424

Currently showing impact type "Competition".

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