3 results for Rumex longifolius (door-yard dock)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
8886 Rumex longifolius Commerce Anecdotal N/A Rumex longifolius is undesirable in grasslands because it decreases yields and reduces forage feeding value. As a weed of pastures and meadows, the main impact of this plant is to reduce the value of infested land as grazing for livestock. R. obtusifolius is only 65% as valuable as grass as grazing material because of a combination of reduced palatability (and therefore grazing levels) and reduced digestibility. 30589
8887 Rumex longifolius Commerce Anecdotal N/A Rumex longifolius contains oxalic acid, which may be poisonous to livestock. Mature plants also suppress the grass yield of pasture. 30589
8888 Rumex longifolius Commerce Anecdotal N/A Increasing ground cover and density by Rumex reduced grass yields. 30589

Currently showing impact type "Commerce".

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