1 result for Ulva (Enteromorpha) flexuosa subsp. flexuosa and flexuosa subsp. paradoxa (green alga, grass kelp)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
7179 Ulva (Enteromorpha) flexuosa subsp. flexuosa and flexuosa subsp. paradoxa Commerce Observational Field In 2003, mats of Ulva flexuosa washed up on the shores of Muskegon Lake during the bloom. In addition to the cost to boat users, these blooms also decreased the value of lakeshore property and discouraged tourism. Muskegon Lake, Michigan, USA 17219

Currently showing impact type "Commerce".

View all impact types for Ulva (Enteromorpha) flexuosa subsp. flexuosa and flexuosa subsp. paradoxa