3 results for Ulva (Enteromorpha) flexuosa subsp. flexuosa and flexuosa subsp. paradoxa (green alga, grass kelp)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
7176 Ulva (Enteromorpha) flexuosa subsp. flexuosa and flexuosa subsp. paradoxa Infrastructure Anecdotal N/A Dense mats of Ulva flexuosa is known to foul a variety of permanent man-made structures and boats. This can lead to expensive repairs of fouled boat motors. 17219
7177 Ulva (Enteromorpha) flexuosa subsp. flexuosa and flexuosa subsp. paradoxa Infrastructure Anecdotal N/A Ulva flexuosa can grow on boats treated with antifouling paint. 17498
7178 Ulva (Enteromorpha) flexuosa subsp. flexuosa and flexuosa subsp. paradoxa Infrastructure Observational Field Ulva flexuosa is known to foul a variety of permanent man-made structures, even growing on boats treated with antifouling paint. 42146

Currently showing impact type "Infrastructure".

View all impact types for Ulva (Enteromorpha) flexuosa subsp. flexuosa and flexuosa subsp. paradoxa