7 results for Marsilea quadrifolia (European water-clover)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
8658 Marsilea quadrifolia Competition Anecdotal N/A Marsilea quadrifolia is capable of outcompeting native aquatic and moist terrestrial species and creating monotypic vegetative stands. 14442
8659 Marsilea quadrifolia Competition Anecdotal N/A Monospecific stands of Marsilea quadrifolia can also persist throughout the winter seasons because of the underground rhizomes. 14442
8660 Marsilea quadrifolia Competition Experimental Laboratory During the growing season, Marsilea quadrifolia plants are able to adjust the angle of the floating leaflets to optimize access to sunlight and the ability to photosynthesize. This ability could allow this species to outcompete neighboring species for sunlight. 35274
8661 Marsilea quadrifolia Competition Anecdotal N/A The presence of Marsilea quadrifolia in an aquatic ecosystem can also have an effect on molluscan communities. 18779
8662 Marsilea quadrifolia Competition Anecdotal N/A Other sources report that Marsilea quadrifolia does not spread aggressively and poses a small ecological threat. 14442
8663 Marsilea quadrifolia Competition Observational Field Marsilea quadrifolia only migrated 151 feet per year in Spring Creek, Illinois, for a total range expansion of 1 mile downstream in 35 years. McDonough County, Illinois 18049
8664 Marsilea quadrifolia Competition Anecdotal N/A The New York Invasive Species Council ranks Marsilea quadrifolia as posing an unknown ecological threat. 25266

Currently showing impact type "Competition".

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