8 results for Oenanthe javanica (Java waterdropwort)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
5343 Oenanthe javanica Research Experimental Laboratory Extracts of Oenanthe javanica accelerate the metabolization of ethanol. 38323
5344 Oenanthe javanica Research Experimental Laboratory Extracts of Oenanthe javanica have potential in treating inflammatory conditions, such as sepsis or septic shock. 38324
5345 Oenanthe javanica Research Experimental Field Extracts of Oenanthe javanica possess antithrombotic activities and that they could provide bases for the development of new anticoagulant agents. 38325
5346 Oenanthe javanica Research Experimental Laboratory Extracts of Oenanthe javanica possess antithrombotic activities and offer bases for development of a novel anticoagulant. 38326
5347 Oenanthe javanica Research Experimental Laboratory Oenanthe javanica has antioxidant, anti-quorum sensing, melanogenic, anti-arrhythmic, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, neurogenesis, alcohol detoxification, anti-toxic, anti-coagulent, hepatoprotective, anti-HBV, and memory improvement applications. 38327
5348 Oenanthe javanica Research Experimental Laboratory Extracts of Oenanthe javanica display photoprotective effects against UVB-induced collagen disruption and inflammation and suggest that Oenanthe javanica can be used as a natural product for the treatment of photodamaged skin. 38328
5349 Oenanthe javanica Research Experimental Laboratory Free amino acids in Oenanthe javanica increased the survival time of mice injected with puffer fish toxin. 38329
5350 Oenanthe javanica Research Experimental Laboratory Oenanthe javanica extract fermented by Lactiplantibacillus plantarum has been confirmed to effectively relieve hangovers, prevent liver damage, and delay liver fibrosis in ethanol-induced liver damages. 38330

Currently showing impact type "Research".

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