3 results for Prymnesium parvum (golden algae)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
3777 Prymnesium parvum Commerce Observational Field As of 2010, P. parvum was responsible for the death of over 34 million fish in 33 waterbodies in Texas with an estimated value of US$13 million. Numerous Texas sport fisheries have also been severely affected, and economic losses in three counties surrounding an infested lake over two years were estimated at US$3.9 million Texas 32531
4832 Prymnesium parvum Commerce Observational Field Prymnesium parvum created eutrophic conditions and large fish kills in an open-environment fish farming area raising (Poecilia sp. (molly) and Cyprinus rubrofuscus (koi). Isreal 37275
4835 Prymnesium parvum Commerce Anecdotal N/A Prymnesium parvum has produced large fish kills across the seas of Northern Europe, including farmed fish. Northern Europe 37277

Currently showing impact type "Commerce".

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