6 results for Arundo donax (giantreed)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
3910 Arundo donax Commerce Observational Field Arundo donax canes are used to build roofs, fishing rods, plant stakes, and reeds for musical instruments. 35021
3917 Arundo donax Commerce Observational N/A Arundo donax cultivated and for the use of making reeds for woodwind musical instruments in France, California, and Texas. Texas, USA; California, USA; France, EU 30144
3918 Arundo donax Commerce Observational N/A Arundo donax is used to make industrial cellulose for paper production. 30144
6564 Arundo donax Commerce Anecdotal N/A Arundo donax alterations to hydrology can result in areas being designated as high flood risk which leads to higher insurance costs and reduced property value. 30203
6566 Arundo donax Commerce Anecdotal N/A The use of Arundo donax for water treatment was also noted to be attractive as a potential source of biomass for energy production. 30166
9352 Arundo donax Commerce Observational Field Arundo donax hosts 15 aphid species across the world including Melanaphis donacist. Aphids are comon agricultural pests of crops such as sugarcane and wheat. 42844

Currently showing impact type "Commerce".

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