11 results for Arundo donax (giantreed)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
3920 Arundo donax Habitat Alteration Anecdotal N/A Dense stands of Arundo donax increase fire probability and feed fires due to their density and dry nature. They are also well-adapted to fire, and emerge more dense after fire events, creating a cycle of fire susceptibility in riparian zones. Santa Anna River, Riverside County, California, USA 35019
3931 Arundo donax Habitat Alteration Anecdotal N/A Arundo donax has become a domnant species along the riverbanks of the Santa Anna River system in California, resulting in a change in canopy structure over the river banks and less shade in shallow areas, creating warmer water. These changes in the system are thought to be the cause of decline in native stream fishes: Gila orcuttii (arroyo chub), Gasterosteus aculeatus (threespined stickleback), Rhinichthys osculus (speckled dace), and Catostomus santaanae (Santa Ana sucker). Santa Anna River, Riverside County, California, USA 35019
4037 Arundo donax Habitat Alteration Observational Field Arundo donax changes microclimate by monopolizing streamside growth, but not providing shade, which increases water temperature. California, USA 35020
4039 Arundo donax Habitat Alteration Observational Field Arundo donax reduces arthropod abundance and diversity in invaded areas in California. California, USA 35020
6427 Arundo donax Habitat Alteration Anecdotal N/A Arundo donax negatively impacts water availability in regions where water is scarce and increases natural fire regimes in riparian areas. Rio Grande, Mexico 41924
6560 Arundo donax Habitat Alteration Observational Field Arundo donax root masses are also brittle, causing undercutting of the bank, bank slumping, and sedimentation of the river or stream. Southern California 30155
6561 Arundo donax Habitat Alteration Anecdotal N/A In Southwestern United States, Arundo donax uses significantly more water than native vegetation, thus further altering the natural flood regime. Arundo donax has been shown to transpire 56,250 acre-feet of water over the course of a year compared to native species which transpired 18,700 acre-feet. 30148
9343 Arundo donax Habitat Alteration Observational Field In South Africa and the southwestern United States, dense stands of Arundo donax reduce the carrying capacity of waterways by narrowing water channels. South Africa and Southwestern U.S.A 42844
9344 Arundo donax Habitat Alteration Observational Field During flood events, the shallow rhizomes of Arundo donax increase riverbank erosion by destabilizing riverbanks which can exacerbate flood damage. 42844
9345 Arundo donax Habitat Alteration Observational Field In riparian habitats, Arundo donax fuels wildfires which increases fire risk due to dense biomass which acts as a vertical fuel source which can increase fire intensity. 42844
9349 Arundo donax Habitat Alteration Observational Field Predators such as Canis latrans and Lynx rufus are reported to avoid Arundo donax which creates a partial refuge for small mammal prey. 42844

Currently showing impact type "Habitat Alteration".

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