3 results for Atherina boyeri (big-scale sand smelt)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
6440 Atherina boyeri Commerce Anecdotal N/A Following introduction, Atherina boyeri adapted to Egirdir Lake (Turkey) in a relatively short period (within 2 years) and commercial fishing began in 2005. 35067
6441 Atherina boyeri Commerce Anecdotal N/A Increased population size of Atherina boyeri in the Neretva River estuary enhanced the production of the local fishery and the stock of sea bass Dicentrarchu labrax. 35067
6443 Atherina boyeri Commerce Observational Field In Greece, Atherina boyeri is sold for 3$ per kg (US$) and is edible. Mesolongi and Etolikon lagoons, Greece 35061

Currently showing impact type "Commerce".

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