6 results for Perccottus glenii (Amur sleeper)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
4174 Perccottus glenii Predation/Herbivory Observational Field By feeding heavily on macroinvertebrates, larval and adult amphibians, and fish eggs, Perccottus glenii has the potential to alter predator-prey relationships Eurasia 35894
4175 Perccottus glenii Predation/Herbivory Observational Field Perccottus glenii’s piscivory and high food competition resulted in a monospecific community in a Latvian marsh Latvia 35879
6787 Perccottus glenii Predation/Herbivory Observational Field Perccottus glenii has threatened Umbra krameri (European mud minnow), a IUCN vulnerable species in Slovakia, through competition for resources and predation. Slovakia 35908
6788 Perccottus glenii Predation/Herbivory Observational Field Perccottus glenii predation is a severe threat to the larvae of many amphibian species. The great crested newt, Triturus cristatus, has lost suitable breeding sites due to P. glenii invasion. Russia 42054
6789 Perccottus glenii Predation/Herbivory Observational Field Perccottus glenii's diet consists of a wide range of animals from multiple trophic levels. Predation by P. glenii has impacted the reproductive success of several amphibians (Triturus cristatus, T. vulgaris, Rana temporaria, R. arvalis, R. lessonae) and fish (Carassius carassius). Lake Glubokoe Reserve, Russia 35894
6790 Perccottus glenii Predation/Herbivory Observational Field Perccottus glenii has threatened Rhynchocypris percnura (lake minnow), a IUCN “Endangered” species in Poland, through predation. Poland 42055

Currently showing impact type "Predation/Herbivory".

View all impact types for Perccottus glenii