2 results for Rutilus rutilus (roach)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
6839 Rutilus rutilus Predation/Herbivory Anecdotal N/A Rutilus rutilus could alter the trophic assemblages in portions of the Great Lakes and food webs near shore and bays will be most affected by this species according to how the invaded lakes in Ireland projected. 42062
6840 Rutilus rutilus Predation/Herbivory Observational Field After the introduction of Rutilus rutilus to Northern Ireland, populations of the once abundant Tufted Duck, Aythya fuligula, experienced a decline in its population. Competition for benthos is suggested to be the cause. There was an increase in the populations of a piscivorous bird, the great crested grebes (Podiceps cristatus), and it is thought that R. rutilus is a food resources for the bird. Lough Neagh, Northern Island 33571

Currently showing impact type "Predation/Herbivory".

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