9 results for Dreissena polymorpha (zebra mussel)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
2711 Dreissena polymorpha Commerce Observational N/A Commercial fishing gear has been negatively affected. Nets are known to have very large accumulations of zebra mussels -- so large that they are useless and difficult to retrieve. 14768
2973 Dreissena polymorpha Commerce Observational Field A decline in the amphipod Diporeia occurred after the arrival of zebra mussels. Because the amphipod is an important part of lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis diet, commercial harvests of lake whitefish may decrease. Lake Michigan 22625
5228 Dreissena polymorpha Commerce Observational Field The presence of Dreissena polymorpha in Minnesota waters impacts the harvest of minnows for bait sales, as infested areas cannot be harvested without special permit. Minnesota, USA 38008
5564 Dreissena polymorpha Commerce Observational Field Colorado Parks and Wildlife is spending time and money to inspect pumps at the inlet potentially infested by Dreissena polymorpha in Highline Lake. Highline Lake, Colorado in the United States 39780
5634 Dreissena polymorpha Commerce Observational Field In Lake St. Clair, Dreissena polymorpha have attached themselves to commercial fishery nets with byssus, holdfast threads. This reduces productivity of the commercial fisheries. 38715
5721 Dreissena polymorpha Commerce Anecdotal N/A Zebra mussels encrust the hull of fishing boats and foul commercial fishing gear Great Lakes, Michigan 40104
7401 Dreissena polymorpha Commerce Anecdotal N/A Dreissena polymorpha are known to damage commercial boats. 42296
8289 Dreissena polymorpha Commerce Anecdotal N/A Direct economic costs have resulted from the invasion of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in the form of maintenance and repair of power plants, industrial facilities, and other businesses, as well as research, monitoring, and control. A wide variety of estimations have been made regarding zebra mussel-related expenses, ranging from $92,000 per hydroelectric plant per year to $6.5 billion in total costs over 10 years. 24591
8290 Dreissena polymorpha Commerce Anecdotal N/A Reductions in zooplankton biomass from Dreissena polymorpha may cause increased competition, decreased survival, and decreased biomass of planktivorous fish, including commercially important species. 13813

Currently showing impact type "Commerce".

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