42 results for Dreissena polymorpha (zebra mussel)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
2686 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Experimental N/A Predictive models showed unionid mortality (reflected by the proportion of dead unionids) was strongly correlated with Dreissena field density at densities above 1000/m2. Models predicted that severe unionid mortality (>90%) occured when Dreissena density and mean infestation intensity reach 6000/m2 and 100 dreissenids/unionid. Extirpation of unionid populations will occur within 4-5 years after Dreissena establishment at these densities. 9005
2690 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Observational Field Shells of individual unionids carry in excess of 10,000 D. polymorpha, and lipid reserves of such unionids are only 50 percent those of unaffected individuals. 9052
2692 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Observational Field There was a strong negative correlation between Dreissena biomass and abundance of live unionids. Most of the more heavily colonized unionids showed damage to the posterior valve edges. 9058
2693 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Observational Field This study suggests that fouling by D. polymorpha will result in significant changes in native bivalve communities. Native bivalve populations, differences in reproductive strategy, shell morphology, and other factors may suddenly result as differences in responses to D. polymorphafouling. Lake Erie 9087
2694 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Observational Field The results indicate that unionids are being negatively affected by zebra mussels in the Great Lakes. Lake Erie 9094
2695 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Observational Field The density of native mussels was significantly lower in 1992 than in 1986. The number of sites where native mussels were not found increased from 4 to 15. Lake St. Clair 9095
2698 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Observational Field A reduction in the number of locations with native mussels indicate that populations are being negatively affected by the presence of non-native zebra mussels in the Great Lakes. Lake Erie 9113
2705 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Experimental Laboratory It has been shown that zebra mussel infestation is responsible for the starvation of native unionid mussels. There may be long-term detrimental changes in native mussel population density, diversity, and fecundity. 13811
2707 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Experimental Laboratory Larval bluegill Lepomis macrochirisfish raised in the presence of zebra mussels grew more slowly than fish raiseed without zebra mussels. The difference in growth rate was explained by competition for zooplankton. 13820
2709 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Experimental Field In a field experiment, reproduction of native mussels were negatively affected by the encrustation of zebra mussels. Lake Erie 14765
2710 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Experimental N/A A model showed that over dozens of native mussel species in the Mississippi River basin are threatened with extinction by environmental degradation. This negative impact has been compounded ten-fold by the presence of zebra mussels. Mississippi River Basin 14767
2713 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Observational Field The densities of three species of unionid clams, recruitment of young-of-the-year unionids, and condition of unionids was significantly decreased after the arrival of zebra mussels. Hudson River, New York 14801
2722 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Observational Field By limiting the mobility of gastropods and native unionid mussels, invasive zebra mussels disrupt reproductive habits, predator evasion, and the ability to avoid unsuitable environmental conditions even to the point of extinctions. Biofouling of native mollusks may be an important mechanism of declines in native mollusk populations. 17064
2730 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Observational Field The Diporeia decline in deep waters preceded the expansion of non-native quagga mussels to these depths. However, older established zebra mussel populations in shallow water may have influenced deeper and downslope habitats with pseudofeces transport. 17067
2734 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Observational Field Results of this study suggest that native unionid mussel populations have been extirpated from main channels of the Detroit River due to the non-native zebra mussel infestation. Over the next several decades, the same process could occur in many other rivers and lakes in the eastern North America. Detroit River 17671
2779 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Observational Field Native unionid mussels infested with zebra mussels attached had higher ammonia excretion rates, lower respiration to nitrogen excretion ratios, lower carbohydrate and protein contents, and lower clearance rates than noninfested unionids. Native mussels also had depleted energy stores and may have been starving, relative to noninfested individuals from the same location. Mississippi River, Minnesota 20352
2782 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Experimental Laboratory Fathead minnows Pimephales promelassuffered high mortality when occurring with zebra mussels due to food competition. 20365
2873 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Experimental Laboratory The survival of the snail Pleurocera canaliculatum is threatened by the changing substrate from zebra mussel populations which are more prevalent in this snail's habitat. Ohio River, Kentucky 20589
2886 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Experimental Laboratory Zebra mussels,Dreissena polymorpha, negatively impacted glycogen levels of zebra mussel encrusted native unionid mussels. Lake Champlain 20607
2888 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Observational Field The loss of 5 unionid species in the lake is likely attributable at least in part to interactions with Dreissena polymorpha. Oneida Lake, New York 20617
2898 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Observational Field Zebra mussels appeared to have no effect on the native unionid mussel population in this marsh before and after the zebra mussel invasion. Lake Erie 20742
2900 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Observational Field Moderate levels of 100-200 zebra mussels attached on a native unionid mussel can be catastrophic to the native mussel population overall. 20771
3012 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Observational Field There was a significant diet overlap between native unionid mussels and zebra mussels. Algal densities and total suspended solids at heavily infested zebra mussel locations were greatly reduced when compared to samples collected at the surface. Competitive interactions or interference by zebra mussels likely reduced the amount of algal and detrital food available for consumption by unionids. Ohio River 22932
3022 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Observational Field "This study suggests that high mortality of unionids can occur between 4 and 6 years after initial invasion by dreissenids or up to 8 yr depending on water current patterns." 23021
3023 Dreissena polymorpha Competition Observational Field Densities of Sphaeriidae decreased significantly after the arrival of the zebra mussel. Lake Michigan 23022

Currently showing impact type "Competition".

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