7 results for Hydrilla verticillata (hydrilla)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
2950 Hydrilla verticillata Habitat Alteration Observational Field Presence of small amounts of Hydrilla verticillata may increase food and habitat for forage fishes and cover for large predators, e.g. bass. North Carolina, US 5137
2966 Hydrilla verticillata Habitat Alteration Observational Field Brown Hoplos in Florida construct bubble nests using the invasive plant Hydrilla verticillata and inshore grass Luziola fluitans. Florida, US 14164
3063 Hydrilla verticillata Habitat Alteration Anecdotal N/A Hydrilla displaces native vegetation communities, and can adversely impact sportfish populations 33831
3079 Hydrilla verticillata Habitat Alteration Observational Field Large amounts of hydrilla lower sediment resuspension 33837
7049 Hydrilla verticillata Habitat Alteration Anecdotal N/A Hydrilla verticillata infestations slow the movement of water, causing flooding. Infestations in the Mobile Delta are reducing flow in small tidal streams and creating a backwater habitat. 42111
7050 Hydrilla verticillata Habitat Alteration Observational Field Hydrilla verticillata forms a dense mat of vegetation at the water surface and limits light penetration degrading or eliminating all layers below. This species causes severe alterations of plant community composition, community structure, and ecosystem processes in water bodies in California. California 42106
9227 Hydrilla verticillata Habitat Alteration Observational Laboratory The introduction of the invasive aquatic weed Hydrilla verticillata may lead to alterations in litter quality and lower decomposition rate, potentially resulting ecosystem changes, such as changes in mineralization and changes in enzymatic activity of microbial decomposers Parana basin, Paraguay 42763

Currently showing impact type "Habitat Alteration".

View all impact types for Hydrilla verticillata