2 results for Salmo trutta (Brown Trout)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
5088 Salmo trutta Disease/Parasite/Toxicity Anecdotal N/A Introduction of the bacteria Aeromanas salmonicida was likely a result of brown trout stocking and has led to cases of furunculosis in both native and non-native salmonids, including brook trout, Arctic grayling, and lake whitefish Great Lakes 16494
5089 Salmo trutta Disease/Parasite/Toxicity Observational Field Of salmonids in the Great Lakes, captive brown trout had the highest rate of infection from bacterial coldwater disease (BCWD), caused by Flavobacterium psychrophilum Great Lakes 37637

Currently showing impact type "Disease/Parasite/Toxicity".

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