2 results for Bithynia tentaculata (mud bithynia)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
8197 Bithynia tentaculata Predation/Herbivory Experimental Laboratory Laboratory research on the impact of grazing by Bithynia tentaculata indicated that it can have complex impacts on the periphyton community. Through direct and indirect effects, faucet snail (Bithynia tentaculata) grazing contributed to a shift from larger filamentous algae to small prostrate forms, was associated with a significant reduction in the biomass of heterotrophic nanoflagellates and ciliates, and was also linked to a weak decline in meiofauna biomass. 24550
8198 Bithynia tentaculata Predation/Herbivory Observational Field Grazing by faucet snail (Bithynia tentaculata), along with another snail species, was correlated with a decline in microalgal species richness (but increased evenness) and a significant reduction in the biomass microalgae, nanoautrophs, and bacteria. Lake Erken, Sweden 24550

Currently showing impact type "Predation/Herbivory".

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