Hydrilla verticillata
(L. f.) Royle
Common Name:
Synonyms and Other Names:
Florida elodea, waterthyme
Submersed perennial herb. Rooted, with long stems that branch at the surface where growth becomes horizontal and dense mats form. Small, pointed leaves are arranged in whorls of 4 to 8. Leaves have serrated margins and may have one or more sharp teeth under the midrib (see Godfrey and Wooten 1979). Development of these features may vary with location, age, and water quality (Kay 1992). The distribution of biotypes is changing rapidly, however, southern populations were predominantly dioecious female (plants having only female flowers) that overwinter as perennials (the monoecious biotype has spread south through Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama). Populations north of South Carolina were often monoecious (having both male and female flowers on the same plant) (Cook and Lüönd 1982; Madeira et al. 2000). Fertile seed production was reported in the monoecious type (Langeland and Smith 1984). Both biotypes depend on tubers for overwintering, although monoecious hydrilla exhibits a more annual habit than the dioecious type, with abundant tuber/turion production around September (Owens et al. 2012).
Morphologically similar species include exotic Brazilian waterweed (Egeria densa), native western waterweed (Elodea nuttallii), and native (except Alaska and Puerto Rico) Canadian waterweed (Elodea canadensis). E. densa, E. nuttallii, and E. canadensis have 3-6 leaves per whorl, with inconspicuous leaf serration and no dentation on midrib, but E. densa leaves are 2-3 cm long, and both E. nuttallii and E. canadensis usually has 3 leaves per whorl near stem base (Langeland et al. 2008, Wunderlin and Hansen 2011, Rybicki et al. 2013).
Recent research into molecular techniques for identifying hydrilla and its biotypes has proven successful (Verkleij 1983; Ryan et al. 1995; Madeira et al. 2004). An early method used isoenzyme patterns in hydrilla to distinguish origin and biotype (Verkleij 1983). A later method used a random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) procedure to find DNA markers in hydrilla samples (Ryan et al. 1995; Les et al. 1997; Madeira et al. 1997, 2000). A relatively inexpensive alternative method used “universal primers” to sequence hydrilla DNA (Madeira et al 2004; Benoit and Les 2013; Rybicki et al. 2013).
Stems grow up to 9 m in length; leaves are 6-20 mm long and 2-4 mm wide.
Native Range:
The common dioecious type originates from the Indian subcontinent. Historical reports specify the island of Sri Lanka (Schmitz et al. 1991) while random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis points to India's southern mainland (Madeira et al. 1997). Korea appears the likely origin for the monoecious type (Madeira et al. 1997).
Great Lakes Nonindigenous Occurrences:
The first record of (monoecious) hydrilla in the Great Lakes basin was in the Cuyahoga drainage in 2002. It has since been discovered on several occasions throughout the Great Lakes basin. Hydrilla was first reported below the high water mark in the Great Lakes in 2021 in the Niagara River. Despite treatment and eradication of isolated populations, additional hydrilla populations were found in the following years at nearby locations in the Niagara River and the outlet Tonawanda Creek (pers. Comm F. MacDonald).
Table 1. Great Lakes region nonindigenous occurrences, the earliest and latest observations in each state/province, and the tally and names of HUCs with observations†. Names and dates are hyperlinked to their relevant specimen records. The list of references for all nonindigenous occurrences of Hydrilla verticillata are found here.
Full list of USGS occurrences
Table last updated 2/9/2025
† Populations may not be currently present.
Hydrilla is found in freshwater lakes, ponds, rivers, impoundments, and canals. It mainly spreads vegetatively through dispersal of plant fragments, axillary turions, and tubers (Langeland and Sutton 1980). Tubers remain viable out of water for several days (Basiouny et al. 1978) and in undisturbed sediment for over 4 years (Van and Steward 1990). Viability remains after ingestion and regurgitation by waterfowl, although passage of vegetative propagules throught the digestive tract likely renders them non-viable (Joyce et al. 1980). Sexual reproduction among and between monoecious and dioecious strains is possible (Steward 1993), but its importance is unknown (Langeland and Smith 1984). Sites such as Lake Guntersville, Alabama have large co-occurring stands of monoecious and dioecious hydrilla. Pollination occurs when pollen from free-floating male flowers disperses on the water surface (epihydrophily) to female flowers (Tanaka 2000; Tanaka 2003). It has a low salinity tolerance (Carter et al 1987; Shields et al 2012).
Great Lakes Means of Introduction:
Hydrilla is used in aquariums and water gardens and may escape or be dumped into water bodies. However, hydrilla is listed on the United States Federal Noxious Weed list, so its movement between states and commercial sale is prohibited. Also, this plant has the capability to reproduce through fragments and can be disseminated via water currents or watercraft (USACE and ERDC 2019).
Great Lakes Status:
Monecious hydrilla has been introduced to many locations in the Great Lakes basin, including OH, NY, and WI. Between 2021 and 2023, a population of hydrilla in the Niagara River watershed has been observed overwintering and reproducing (USACE and ERDC 2019). A new population was found in Berrien Springs, MI in 2023 (Keiper and Foreman 2023). All known populations in the Great Lakes basin are subject to active control efforts. Models indicate that the top watersheds at risk for further hydrilla invasion include St. Clair-Detroit River corridor, western Lake Erie, southern Lake Erie and southern Lake Ontario, (USACE and ERDC 2019).
Great Lakes Impacts:
Summary of species impacts derived from literature review. Click on an icon to find out more...
Environmental | Socioeconomic | Beneficial |
| | | |
Hydrilla verticillata has a high environmental impact in the Great Lakes.
Hydrilla can be detrimental to native species and the ecosystem. This species grows aggressively and competitively as dense mats that can displace or shade out native submersed plants. In the southeast U.S., hydrilla effectively displaces beneficial native vegetation, such pondweeds (Potamogeton sp.), eelgrass (Vallisneria americana), coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum) and southern naiad (Najas guadalupensis) (Estes et al. 1990, Langeland 1996, Rizzo et al. 1996, Van Dijk 1985). Infestations may reduce seed production of native aquatic plants, which may reduce the number of native species in the community (De Winton and Clayton 1996). Experimental evidence suggests that hydrilla has high allelopathy potential and can inhibit the growth of lettuce seedlings (Lactuca sativa L.) and duckweed (Lemna minor L.) (Elakovich and Wooten 1989). Furthermore, infestations of this species may shift phytoplankton compositions and alter chlorophyll content (Schmitz et al. 1993).
As a result of the thick mats that hydrilla forms, infestations of hydrilla may alter water chemistry, decrease oxygen levels, increase pH, and increase water temperature (Woodward and Quinn 2011). Abnormal stratification of the water column (Rizzo et al. 1996, Schmitz et al. 1993), decreased oxygen levels (Pesacreta 1988), and fish kills (Rizzo et al. 1996) have been documented in hydrilla infestations. Hydrilla infestations slow the movement of water, potentially causing stagnation, flooding and other hydrology-related impacts (Carlson et al. 2008).
The cyanobacteria Aetokthonos hydrillicola is linked to avian vacuolar myelinopathy (AVM) and frequently grows on hydrilla (Haram et al. 2020, Breinlinger et al. 2021).
Hydrilla alters predator-prey relationships and food web interactions as a food source and habitat for waterfowl and fish. Sportfish exhibited lower weight and size when hydrilla occupied the majority of the water column, which suggests that foraging efficiency was reduced as open water space and natural vegetation gradients were lost (Colle and Shireman 1980).
Hydrilla verticillata has a high socio-economic impact in the Great Lakes.
Hydrilla causes major impacts on infrastructure and is among the worst aquatic plants in the southeastern U.S., causing costly damage to irrigation and hydroelectric power projects, and recreation (Cooke et al. 2005). Hydrilla can reduce the flow in drainage canals, which can result in flooding and damage to canal banks and structures (Langeland 1996). This species can clog intake pumps used for irrigation. This species is a nuisance for navigation of recreational and commercial waters and interferes with swimming (Langeland 1996). The dense mats of hydrilla create stagnant waters that can be used as mosquito breeding habitat (Kerr Lake Guide 2013), making this species a risk for human health.
Large hydrilla mats prevent access to many of the prime locations used for waterfowl hunting and most warm water sport fishing. Low oxygen levels in these mats make them unsuitable for the growth and survival of sport fishes and most other aquatic animals. Heavy hydrilla infestations (those that cover more than 30%) eliminate fish habitat, cause stunting, and reduce the number of harvestable fish. Thus, hydrilla usually is detrimental to sport fishing over the long term (North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service 1992).
Hydrilla verticillata has a moderate beneficial impact in the Great Lakes.
Hydrilla may increase water clarity by reducing sediment resuspension and reducing phytoplankton populations (Langeland 1996). It might also improve water quality by stabilizing nutrient cycling in eutrophic water bodies and accumulation of heavy metals (Shrivastava and Srivastava 2021).
Hydrilla may benefit some species as a food source, but only when its coverage is below 30% (Cole and Shireman 1980, Estes et al. 1990, GISD 2006).
(click for full reference list)
C.C. Jacono, M.M. Richerson, V. Howard Morgan, I.A. Pfingsten, and J. Redinger
Contributing Agencies:
Revision Date:
Peer Review Date:
Citation for this information:
C.C. Jacono, M.M. Richerson, V. Howard Morgan, I.A. Pfingsten, and J. Redinger, 2025, Hydrilla verticillata (L. f.) Royle: U.S. Geological Survey, Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database, Gainesville, FL, and NOAA Great Lakes Aquatic Nonindigenous Species Information System, Ann Arbor, MI, https://nas.er.usgs.gov/queries/greatLakes/FactSheet.aspx?Species_ID=6&Potential=N&Type=0&HUCNumber=DGreatLakes, Revision Date: 8/8/2024, Peer Review Date: 10/27/2015, Access Date: 2/9/2025
This information is preliminary or provisional and is subject to revision. It is being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The information has not received final approval by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and is provided on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the information.