Reference List

This list includes references used to derive specimen records.

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Ref IDTypeAuthorDateTitle
19214 News 2010NATURE: Six downstate ponds to be treated for aquatic weeds.
27721 Database 2015Intermountain Region Herbarium Network
10669 DatabaseAcademy of Natural Sciences2016Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University Herbarium (PH)
28724 ReportACF Rivers Project Aquatic Plant Manager.2016Aquatic Plant Management Plan For U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint Rivers Project: Walter F. George Site, Woodruff/Seminole Site, and George W. Andrews
10129 ReportAddor, E.E., and R.F. Theriot.1977Test plan for the large scale operations management test of the use of the white amur to control aquatic plants.
29432 Journal ArticleAlam, S.K., L.A. Ager, T.M. Rosegger, and T.R. Lange.1996The Effects of Mechanical Harvesting of Floating Plant Tussock Communities on Water Quality in Lake Istokpoga, Florida
16045 DatabaseAlexander, J., S. Markos, J. Yost, R.L. Moe, E. Dean, and M. Nazaire.2016Consortium of California Herbaria (CCH)
28823 DatabaseAlford, M.H. (curator).2015The University of Southern Mississippi Herbarium (USMS)
27696 ReportAllied Biological2014Croton River: 2014 delineation of Hydrilla and other submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the Croton River System
31775 ReportAndriasheva, M.A.2014Kurth Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
18200 NewsAnnear, S.2008Killer weed attacks pond.
17876 Web PageAnonymous2002Hydrilla Infestation at Lake James.
15929 OtherAnonymous2004Pipe and Lucerne Lakes Hydrilla Survey.
17875 Web PageAnonymous2005Lake Norman CoveKEEPERS.
18351 Web PageAnonymous2005Hydrilla Watch August 2005 update.
16136 NewsAnonymous2007Indiana makes progress in fighting hydrilla.
16355 NewsAnonymous2007New Aquatic Invasive Weed Found in Northeast Wisconsin.
17817 NewsAnonymous2008New hydrilla treatment found.
18179 NewsAnonymous2008Lake Gaston neighbors could pay more for weed removal.
18180 ReportAnonymous2008Good news for Lake Manitou: Boat ramp to reopen June 28; eco-zone re-established.
18183 NewsAnonymous2008State on track to win fight with hydrilla.
18184 OtherAnonymous2008New era begins on Lake Conroe.
18382 OtherAnonymous2009Hydrilla treatments continue on Lake Tohopekaliga; helicopters to apply herbicide to 2,800 acres.
18858 NewsAnonymous2009Highly aggressive invasive plant found in Damariscotta Lake.
18868 Web PageAnonymous2009Shreveport winning hydrilla war.
27729 NewsAnonymous2013Hydrilla in Lake Austin under control
28039 NewsAnonymous2015DEEP reports hydrilla found in Coventry Lake
42848 DatabaseAnonymous2023Ft. Myers Fish Slam data
27835 DatabaseAntillean group of Invasive Species (GAEI).2018Atlas de Especies Invasoras de Puerto Rico
28129 ReportAquatic Bioinvasion Research and Policy Institute.2011Biosecurity plan for freshwater invasive aquatic plants in Micronesia
10633 NewsAquatic Control Technology.1998Selective plant management achieved with Sonar herbicide. Exotic aquatic weed (Hydrilla) invades Connecticut pond.
27904 ReportAquatic Control Technology.20142013 project completion report Long Pond & Mystic Lake – Barnstable, MA
27905 ReportAquatic Control Technology.20142014 project completion report Long Pond, Mystic Lake, and Middle Pond – Barnstable, MA
29659 ReportAquatic Nuisance Species Program.2017Draft 2017 Annual South Carolina Aquatic Plant Management Plan - Part II
13653 DatabaseArizona State University.2003Herbarium Specimen Voucher, Arizona State University (ASU) Vascular Plant Herbarium, Collections Database.
31435 ReportAshe, D., and T. Driscoll2013B. A. Steinhagen Reservoir 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31937 ReportAshe, D., and T. Driscoll2015San Augustine City Lake 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31888 ReportAshe, D., and T. Driscoll2016Naconiche Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31924 ReportAshe, D., and T. Driscoll2016Pinkston Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31887 ReportAshe, D., and T. Driscoll2017Lake Nacogdoches 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31996 ReportAshe, D., and T. Driscoll2017Lake Timpson 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
27909 ReportAshe, D., and T. Driscoll.20112010 survey report - San Augustine City Lake
18219 NewsAsplund, T.2007Hydrilla in Wisconsin.
10278 ReportBabcock, S., and R. Rousseau.1977Annual Progress Report, 1975-76, to Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, Dingell-Johnson Project, F-31-2 and Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission.
31831 ReportBaird, M.S., and J. Tibbs2017Limestone Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31998 ReportBaird, M.S., and J. Tibbs2017Tradinghouse Creek Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
29135 NewsBaker, D.2016Hydrilla discovered at Cave Run Lake near Morehead
10100 OtherBaker, D.P.1991Virginia seeks funds to cut hydrilla: closed harbors seen if state ends effort.
18201 Web PageBaker, J.2002Defending Massachusetts against biological invaders.
10526 OtherBalcom, N.1997Hydrilla in CT Update.
29086 NewsBalyszak, J.A.2016Formal announcement of hydrilla discovery in Aurora, NY (Wells College Bay)
29521 DatabaseBarnett, J.2016Arkansas ANS Database (unpublished data).
28890 DatabaseBarrington, D. (curator), D.J. Allard, M. Sundue, H. White, E. Allen, and A. Clark.2015Pringle Herbarium (VT)
10135 Journal ArticleBates, A.L., and C.S. Smith1994Submersed plant invasions and declines in the southeastern United States.
10103 Journal ArticleBayne, D.R.1979The most troublesome aquatic weeds of Alabama.
17312 ReportBeck, P.A., and R.A. Ott.2006Statewide freshwater fisheries monitoring and management program survey report for Lake Palestine, 2005.
27907 NewsBellaud, M.2010Nor'Easter - a newsletter of the Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society
31933 ReportBennett, D.L., and J.H. Moczygemba2016Ray Roberts Reservoir 2015 Survey Report
27777 Journal ArticleBenoit, L.K., and D.H. Les.2013Rapid identification and molecular characterization of phytoene desaturase mutations in fluridone-resistant hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata)
29406 NewsBenson, A.2017Officials monitoring weed growth on Lake Greenwood
10221 OtherBernstein, G.1991Memorandum to Office of Technical Assessment, U.S. Congress, providing information on the Potomac Aquatic Plant Control Program.
31930 ReportBest, A., and M. Webb2017Lake Raven 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31938 ReportBest, A., N. Ragan, and M. Webb2016Sheldon Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31497 ReportBinion, G.2015Choke Canyon Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31604 ReportBinion, G.2016H-4 (Gonzales) Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
32017 ReportBinion, G.2016Lake Wood 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31573 ReportBinion, G., and D. McDonald2017Coleto Creek Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31445 ReportBister, T.J, and L.D. Wright2013Lake Bob Sandlin 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31448 ReportBister, T.J, and L.D. Wright2015Brandy Branch Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31777 ReportBister, T.J, and L.D. Wright2015Lake O’ the Pines 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31850 ReportBister, T.J, and L.D. Wright2016Martin Creek Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31882 ReportBister, T.J, and L.D. Wright2016Lake Monticello 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
27908 ReportBister, T.J.20112010 survey report - Lake Cypress Springs
30787 ReportBister, T.J., and J.D. Lechelt.2016Fisheries Management Survey Report: Lake Wright Patman
31600 ReportBister, T.J., and J.D. Lechelt.2017Gilmer Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
18718 ReportBister, T.J., and M.W. Brice.2007Lake O the Pines 2006 Survey Report.
18717 ReportBister, T.J., and M.W. Brice.2008Brandy Branch Reservoir 2007 Survey Report.
18719 ReportBister, T.J., and M.W. Brice.2008Lake Pinkston 2007 Survey Report.
10280 OtherBlackburn, R., T. Taylor, and E. Timmer.1973Factors affecting the growth and distribution of submersed aquatic weeds in Lake Ocklawaha.
41579 DatabaseBragg, A.2022AIS plants from Lake Erie Drainage field surveys 2022
18352 NewsBrewer, D.2009City may help in weed removal.
18604 NewsBrewer, D.2009Jackson takes no action on weeds.
31932 ReportBrock, R., T. Hungerford, and C. Fox2017Ray Hubbard Reservoir 2016 Survey Report
31697 ReportBrock, R., and T. Hungerford2014Joe Pool Reservoir 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
28341 ReportBrown, L.E., G. Nesom, S.J. Marcus, and D. Rosen.2004Trinity River NWR Plant List
18443 ReportBrown, L.E., G. Nesom, S.J. Marcus, and D. Rosen.2009Plants of Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge.
34017 ReportBugbee, G.J., and S. Stebbins.2019Hydrilla 2018 survey in the Connecticut River
37828 ReportBugbee, G.J., and S. Stebbins.2020Connecticut River Gateway Conservation Zone Invasive Aquatic Vegetation Survey Aquatic plant management options 2019
37829 DatabaseBugbee, G.J., and S. Stebbins.2021Invasive Aquatic Plants in the Connecticut River
29248 DatabaseBurkhalter, J.R. (curator).2015M. I. Cousens Herbarium (UWFP)
19774 NewsCaddell, K.2011Community Challenge: Hydrilla concerns at Okeeheelee Park in West Palm Beach.
25610 DatabaseCalflora2021The Calflora Database: Information on California plants for education, research and conservation
31452 DatabaseCanadian node of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS Canada)2007Canadian Museum of Nature - Fish Collection (OBIS Canada)
17474 NewsCarman, D.2008Istokpoga Hydrilla treatment set for this week.
31874 ReportCartabiano, E.C., and K.W. Storey2017Mill Creek Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
10677 DatabaseCarter, R. (curator).2015Valdosta State University Herbarium (VSC)
10152 Journal ArticleCarter, V., and N. Rybicki1986Resurgence of submersed aquatic macrophytes in the tidal Potamac River, Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
10138 Journal ArticleCarter, V., and N.B. Rybicki1994Invasions and declines of submersed macrophytes in the tidal Potomac River and Estuary, the Currituck Sound-Back Bay system, and the Pamlico River Estuary.
27684 NewsCasler, A.2015Dye to hit Fall Creek for hydrilla study
30724 NewsCayuga Lake Watershed Network.2017Hydrilla Hunter Happenings
24369 DatabaseCenter for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health.2019EDDMapS: Early detection and distribution mapping system
19747 DatabaseCentral Hardwoods Invasive Plant Network.2010Joint Aquatic Invasive Species Survey, 2010
27847 ReportCity of Durham Department of Public Works.2014Eno River aquatic vegetation survey
28165 DatabaseClark, J.L. (curator), J. Lopez-Bautista (curator), S. Ginzbarg, R.R. Haynes, and B. Keener.2009University of Alabama Herbarium (UNA)
33976 DatabaseCleveland Metroparks2019Aquatic plant survey for Hydrilla verticillata, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, and Nymphoides peltata
31428 ReportClouse, C., and D. Bennett 2016Amon G. Carter Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
10654 Journal ArticleColangelo, P.A.1998Fish and Boat Commission: Triploid Grass Carp Permit Applications.
29080 NewsConnecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection.2016DEEP Reports Hydrilla Found In Connecticut River
27725 DatabaseConsortium of Northeastern Herberia (CNH).2023Herbarium Specimen Data Sharing Portal for CNH
10603 NewsCook, S.1996Hydrilla at Wakulla Springs.
10194 Journal ArticleCountryman, W.D.1970The history, spread and present distribution of some immigrant aquatic weeds in New England.
19096 ReportCox, M.C., J.D. Madsen, and R.M. Wersal.2010Hydrilla and Giant salvinia survey in Mississippi for 2009.
29247 DatabaseDarwin, S.P. (director), and A.S. Bradburn (curator).2016Tulane University Herbarium (NO)
28850 DatabaseDavenport, L.J. (curator).2016Samford University Herbarium (SAMF)
28736 ReportDavid, J.T., M. Walker, and B. Salyers.2014Part VI-A, waterbody management plan series: Henderson Lake - lake history & management issues
10279 BookDawkins and Associates.1977Lake Holden Storm Water Management and Restoration Survey.
31439 ReportDe Jesús, M.J., and M. Farooqi2014Bastrop Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31433 ReportDe Jesús, M.J., and M. Farooqi2016Austin Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
30233 Newsde Leon, III, J.2017It's a plague
28592 NewsDeltona Bureau.1976Deltona to hear lake study results
39789 Journal ArticleDodd, L.L., N.E. Harms, and A.N. Schad2021Reciprocal competitive effects of congeneric invaders, Trapa natans L. and Trapa bispinosa Roxb. var. iinumai Nakano, in established freshwater plant cultures
42280 Journal ArticleDodd, S.R., R.S. Haynie, S.M. Williams, and S.B. Wilde2016Alternate food-chain transfer of the toxin linked to avian vacuolar myelinopathy and impliations for the endangered Florida Snail Kite (Rostrhamus sociobilis)
28830 Conference ProceedingsDoyle, C.2015Hydrilla in New Jersey an emerging threat
10689 OtherDoyle, R.D., P. Power, and K. Kennedy.1999Protecting the Native Aquatic Plant Communities of the Comal and San Marcos Rivers, TX: in Abstracts of the Aquatic Plant Management Society, Inc, Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting, July 11-14, 1999, Asheville, North Carolina.
31936 ReportDriscoll, T., and D. Ashe2015Sam Rayburn Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31997 ReportDriscoll, T., and D. Ashe2016Toledo Bend Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
30736 NewsDufur, B., and J. Low.2014Missouri Conservationist
10790 Journal ArticleDuke, Dennis, Pat O'Quinn, and D.L. Sutton2000Control of Hygrophila and other Aquatic Weeds in the Old Plantation water control districts.
10106 Journal ArticleDurant, D., J.V. Shireman, and W.T. Haller1979Fish populations affected by vegetation types.
29970 ReportEno River Hydrilla Management Task Force.2015Environmental Assessment for Controlling the Growth and Spread of a Noxious Aquatic Weed, Hydrilla verticillata, in the Eno River Watershed.
28080 DatabaseEnvironmental Assessment Program.2018Washington State Lakes Environmental Data Version 1.0
27618 NewsErie-Times News Staff Report.2015Invasive species found in Pymatuning Lake
29136 NewsEstep, B.2016It’s called hydrilla, and it’s a threat to Eastern Kentucky lake
29843 DatabaseEstes, D. (curator).2012Austin Peay State University Herbarium (APSC)
10435 NewsFalk, J. and T. Bryant.1995Purple loosestrife: a nuisance plant on the loose. Hydrilla: friend or foe?.
10661 DatabaseFarid, A. (curator).2018University of South Florida Herbarium (USF)
27920 ReportFarooqi, M., and M.J. De Jesus.20142013 fisheries management survey report - Marble Falls Reservoir
31840 ReportFarooqi, M., and M.J. De Jesus.2014Marble Falls Reservoir 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31999 ReportFarooqi, M., and M.J. De Jesus.2015Travis Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
32004 ReportFarooqi, M., and M.J. De Jesus.2015Walter E. Long Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31590 ReportFarooqi, M., and M.J. De Jesus.2016Fayette County Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31663 ReportFarooqi, M., and M.J. De Jesus.2016Granger Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31838 ReportFarooqi, M., and M.J. De Jesus.2017Lyndon B. Johnson Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
19501 NewsFinch, M.2010Homeowners frustrated by weedy canals.
31585 ReportFindeisen, J., and G. Binion.2014Dunlap Reservoir 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31984 ReportFindeisen, J., and G. Binion.2015Lake Texana 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
10282 BookFlorida Department of Natural Resources.1983Status on the Control of Aquatic Plants in Intercounty Waters.
28791 DatabaseFlorida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Invasive Plant Management Section.2017Annual aquatic plant survey 1982-2017
10277 ReportFlorida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission.1976Inter-county aquatic plant survey.
10281 ReportFlorida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission.1978Inter-county aquatic plant survey.
10276 ReportFolit, R., N. Sipe, and M. Snow.1975Artificial lakes in Sarasota County, Florida: with emphasis on aquatic plant growth.
27751 ReportFoster, A., J. Boxrucker, G. Gilliland, and B. Wentroth. Updated by C. Tackett.2009Oklahoma aquatic nuisance species management plan.
10124 ReportFox, A.M., W.T. Haller, K.D. Getsinger, and W.R. Green.1991Characterization of water exchange in hydrilla-infested tidal canals of the Crystal River, Florida. Miscellaneous Paper A-91-2.
39066 NewsGallagher, T.2022Invasive aquatic plant hydrilla found at City of Tonawanda boat launch
31356 Journal ArticleGantz, C.A., M.A. Renshaw, D. Erickson, D.M. Lodge, and S.P. Egan.2018Environmental DNA detection of aquatic invasive plants in lab mesocosm and natural field conditions
29018 DatabaseGentry, J.L. (director and curator).2013University of Arkansas Herbarium (UARK)
28998 DatabaseGeorge Mason University2015Ted R. Bradley Herbarium (GMUF)
28354 NewsGettys, L.2015Aquatics
29547 DatabaseGillespie, E. (curator).2012Marshall University Herbarium (MUHW)
31686 ReportGoldstrohm, N., amd M. Homer Jr.2016Hubbard Creek Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
18865 NewsGregory, P.2009State biologists confirm hydrilla infestation in Damariscotta Lake.
28133 ReportGuam Division of Aquatic and Wildlife Resources.2006Guam comprehensive wildlife conservation strategy (GCWCS)
10003 ReportGuillory, V.1979Large-scale operations management test of use of the white amur for control of problem aquatic plants; Report 1, Baseline studies; Volume II: The fish, mammals, and waterfowl of Lake Conway, Florida.
34016 ReportGZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.2019Mapping of Invasive Aquatic Species in the Connecticut River with a focus on Hydrilla verticillata & Trapa natans
10275 BookHaller, T.A.1978Hydrilla: a new and rapidly spreading aquatic weed problem.
27772 Journal ArticleHaller, W.T.1982Hydrilla goes to Washington
10105 Journal ArticleHaller, W.T., J.V. Shireman, and D. Durant1979Mechanical removal of fish in harvested hydrilla.
30625 NewsHamill, J.2016Invasive Weed Taking Hold in Ponds, Lakes
29520 DatabaseHansen, C.J. (curator), and L. Goertzen (director).2016John D. Freeman Herbarium (AUA)
10454 NewsHartmann, L.H.1994Prohibited plants on increase in Southeast Texas.
28089 DatabaseHarvard University Herbarium (HUH)2013 
10552 Journal ArticleHaynes, R.R.1980Aquatic and marsh plants of Alabama. I. Alismatidae.
27929 ReportHDR Engineering, Inc.2010South Fork Rivanna Reservoir dredging feasibilty study - pre-dredge survey report
20959 NewsHeineck, K.2011Boaters battle hydrilla at Claytor Lake.
10233 ReportHelton, R.J., and L.H. Hartmann.1996Statewide Aquatic Vegetation Survey Summary, 1995 Report.
10629 ReportHelton, R.J., and L.H. Hartmann.1997Statewide Aquatic Vegetation Survey Summary, 1996 Report.
27919 ReportHerrera Environmental Consultants2011Pipe and Lucerne Lakes - hydrilla and aquatic vegetation surveys 2010: final report
31827 ReportHomer, M. D., and N. Goldstrohm2015Leon Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31685 ReportHomer, M.D., Jr., and M. Webb2013Houston County Reservoir 2012 Fisheries Management Survey Report
10766 DatabaseHong-Wa, C. (curator).2015Claude E. Phillips Herbarium (DOV)
33670 DatabaseHorn, C. (Director).2019Newberry College Herbarium (NBYC)
17872 OtherHough, B.2008Carp hope to control hydrilla problem.
31451 ReportHysmith, B.T., and J.H. Moczygemba20132013 Fisheries Management Survey Report Bridgeport Reservoir
28722 ReportIdaho State Department of Agriculture.2015Idaho hydrilla final report
27719 DatabaseiDigBio.2015Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio)
27462 DatabaseiMapInvasives.2018Pennsylvania iMapInvasives
27712 DatabaseiMapInvasives.2019New York iMapInvasives
25944 DatabaseiNaturalist2024 
27906 ReportIndian Ponds Association.2013Mystic Lake hydrilla - YE 2013
28922 ReportInland Fisheries Division.2013Indian Creek Reservoir aquatic vegetation control plan
28924 ReportInland Fisheries Division.2013Cotile Lake aquatic vegetation control plan
18125 Web PageInvasive Aquatic Species Program, Maine Department of Environmental Protection.2015Maine DEP 2015 Invasive Aquatic Plant Map
38099 ReportIreland, P., and M. Farooqi2020Canyon Revervoir 2019 Fisheries Management Survey Report
29255 DatabaseIsaac, B. (collections).2016Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium (CM)
29142 Conference ProceedingsJackson, N.2010Spring Project Summaries: Kentucky - Cave Run Lake Vegetation Survey
34496 ReportJewitt, A.2019Results and Analysis of the 2019 Three-Part Species Search Challenge: Water Chestnut, Hydrilla, and Wavyleaf Basketgrass
20970 NewsJohnson, A.2011Hydrilla surfaes in Kerr Lake.
10098 Journal ArticleJohnson, B., and J. Manning1974Hydrilla-the most serious threat to Louisiana water resources.
10116 NewsJohnson, D.L.1982Hydrilla-a new aquatic weed in South Carolina.
10114 Journal ArticleJohnson, J., R. Helton, L. Hartmann, and J. Cox1991Weedy waters: foreign plants clog Texas waterways.
28914 DatabaseJones, R., and B. Ruhfel (curators).2014Ronald L. Jones Herbarium (EKY)
27780 NewsKansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism.2009Hydrilla eradication project underway at Olathe Pond
22765 Journal ArticleKaratayev, A.Y., L.E. Burlakova, T. Kesterson, and D.K. Padilla2003Dominance of the Asiatic clam, Corbicula fluminea (Muller), in the benthic community of a reservoir.
5137 ReportKay, S.H.1992Hydrilla: a rapidly spreading aquatic weed problem in North Carolina. Agriculture Bulletin AG-449
29968 NewsKDKD.2017Don't spread the species
28852 DatabaseKeener, B.R. (curator).2016University of West Alabama Herbarium (UWAL)
42344 NewsKeiper, B., and J. Foreman2023First Michigan detection of invasive hydrilla triggers response
18410 DatabaseKennedy, B. (collections manager).2013Herbarium Pacificum (BISH)
10147 Conference ProceedingsKight, J.1988Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway.
18168 NewsKing, M.2008Invasive water plant found in Sugar Loaf.
28145 DatabaseKishbaugh, S.A.2015NYS Exotic Aquatic Plant Locations 2015
13618 Journal ArticleKnepper, D.A., D.M. Johnson, and L.J. Musselman.2002Marsilea mutica (Marsileaceae) in Virginia.
17873 OtherKotula, M.2007Worriesome weed invades Lake Wylie.
27762 ReportKratville, D.2013The California Department of Food and Agriculture Hydrilla eradication program annual progress report 2013
29004 DatabaseKrings, A. (director).2011North Carolina State University Herbarium (NCSC)
28870 DatabaseKruse, D. (curator).2016S.M. Tracy Herbarium (TAES)
33553 NewsLake County Record-Bee2019Hydrilla detected in Clear Lake Keys, Lake County
27839 ReportLandry, J.B., R.R. Golden, L. Karrh, and M. Lewandowski.2013Deep Creek Lake: submerged aquatic vegetation survey - year 4
32296 ReportLechelt, J.D., and T.J. Bister2018Lake Bob Sandlin 2017 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31886 ReportLechelt, J.D., and T.J. Bister 2017Lake Murvaul 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
10489 Journal ArticleLemke, D.E.1989Aquatic macrophytes of the Upper San Marcos River, Hays Co., Texas
10315 OtherLes, D.H.1996Hydrilla verticillata threatens New England.
28167 DatabaseLes, D.H., and R.S. Capers.2012George Safford Torrey Herbarium (CONN)
10666 Journal ArticleLes, D.H., L.J. Merhoff, M.A. Cleland, and J.D. Gabel1997Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrocharitaceae) in Connecticut.
37949 DatabaseLewandowski, M.2021Maryland AIS plant survey 2019-2020
30730 NewsLingo, C.2017Invasive plant found in SGF water source
10659 ReportLouisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Inland Fish Division.1998Major public lakes of Louisiana with Hydrilla.
28190 DatabaseLouisiana State University2020Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium (LSU)
29365 DatabaseLuckenbaugh, C., and C. Matthews (curators).2012Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Herbarium (UNCC)
19412 NewsLynchburg News & Advance.2010APCo puts new guidelines in place to treat hydrilla at Smith Mountain Lake.
28078 Journal ArticleMaceina, M., J. Slipke, and J. Grizzle.1999Electric fences for fish?
23182 Journal ArticleMadeira, P.T., C.C. Jacono, and T.K. Van2000Monitoring hydrilla using two RAPD procedures and the Nonindigenous Aquatic Species database.
15971 ReportMadsen, J.D, R.M. Wersal, and W. Robles.2006Distribution of Hydrilla and Giant Salvinia in Mississippi in 2005.
19426 DatabaseMadsen, J.D.2010Invasive Plant Atlas of the MidSouth.
19381 DatabaseMadsen, J.D., G. Ervin, V. Maddox, & C. Abbott.2010Invasive Plant Atlas of the MidSouth.
27566 Journal ArticleManuel, K.L., J.P. Kirk, D.H. Barwick, and T.W. Bowen.2013Hydrilla management in Piedmont reservoirs using herbicides and triploid Grass Carp: A case study.
29615 NewsMarks, J.2017How they do it — hint: carp — is a sight. But it’s curbing hydrilla on Lake Wylie
10763 ReportMartin, C.C.1999Invasive species grant proposal, survey of aquatic vegetation in Delaware's public ponds.
32470 ReportMaryland Department of Natural Resources.1994Survey and management of freshwater fisheries resources
27840 ReportMaryland Department of Natural Resources.2014Strategy for control of hydrilla in Deep Creek Lake
28384 ReportMaryland Department of Natural Resources.2016Maryland Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan.
10662 DatabaseMast, A.R., A. Stuy, G. Nelson, A. Bugher, N. Weddington, J. Vega, K. Weismantel, D.S. Feller, and D. Paul.2004Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium (FSU)
19425 NewsMcConnell, J.2010No fast solution to hydrilla removal.
27997 NewsMcConnell, J.2015Hydrilla returns to take over reservoir, carp can’t keep up
10733 DatabaseMcCook, L. (curator).2014Thomas M. Pullen Herbarium (MISS)
29204 DatabaseMcCormick, C. (curator).2016North Carolina Botanical Garden Herbarium (NCU)
10480 ReportMcFarland, D.G., and J.W. Barko.1996Investigations of the Production, Transport, and Survival of Monoecious Hydrilla Propagules in the Tidal Potomac River.
10193 Journal ArticleMcLane, W.M.1969The aquatic plant business in relation to infestations of exotic aquatic plants in Florida waters.
28161 DatabaseMcMahon, M. (director), A.E. Arnold (curator), and G. Ferguson (collections).2016University of Arizona Herbarium (ARIZ)
29885 NewsMcManamay, J.2016Savvy honors researcher devises methods to monitor an invasive water plant
29886 NewsMcManamay, J.2017Biology student’s pioneering spirit earns first research award from Centra
29971 NewsMedlin, D.2017LOCAL NEWS> Crews start treating section of Eno River for invasive aquatic weed Hydrilla
28999 NewsMeek, J.2016Hydrilla found in Lake Balboa, boat sticker audit shows lost revenue
29000 NewsMeek, J.2016Lake Balboa hydrilla - an update
29085 NewsMeek, J.2016Grass carp introduced into Balboa for hydrilla control
28137 NewsMenard, J.2012Plant loss in Cataouatche not cause for concern, biologist says
5178 OtherMetropolitan Washington Council of Governments.1990Potomac SAV News Bulletin.
31424 ReportMeyers, R.2016Amistad Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report>
29685 NewsMichigan AIS Core Team.2017Michigan’s Invasive Species Newsletter - Spring 2017
42608 Web PageMichigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy2023First Michigan detection of invasive hydrilla triggers response
27950 DatabaseMichigan State University Board of Trustees.2019Midwest Invasive Species Information Network (MISIN)
10040 ReportMiller, A.C., and J.L. Decell.1984Use of the white amur for aquatic plant management.
31626 DatabaseMiller, R. (director).2009Glen N. Montz Herbarium (SELU)
10711 Journal ArticleMiller, R.W.1988The First State's experiences controlling the northern monoecious form of hydrilla.
28887 DatabaseMinnaert-Grote, J. (manager).2015Illinois Natural History Survey Herbarium (ILLS)
28114 DatabaseMississippi Herbarium Consortium.2013Magnolia grandiFLORA: the digital herbarium for Mississippi
15838 ReportMississippi River Basin ANS Regional Panel.2006Mississippi River Basin ANS Regional Panel Annual Report to the ANS Task Force (9/1/05 to 8/31/06).
29960 ReportMoczygemba, J.H., and B. Hysmith.2011Moss Reservoir - 2010 survey report
29961 ReportMoczygemba, J.H., and B. Hysmith.2015Moss Reservoir - 2014 survey report
28737 NewsMolloy, B.2016Henderson Mayor lowering lake levels to save wildlife
29551 DatabaseMontgomery, B. (curator).2016University of South Carolina Upstate Herbarium (USCS)
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32476 NewsMoomey, L.2019City Park Lake dam needs maintenance repairs, state says
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29119 NewsMosher, H.R.2016Hydrilla verticillata confirmed in Tioga County
31920 ReportMunger, C., and J. Clayton2015Palo Duro Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
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33777 DatabaseNatural Resource Information Systems (NRIS)2019Current Invasive Plants
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19162 dumped in Swift Creek Reservoir to battle hydrilla.
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31859 ReportNeahr, T., and J. Findeisen.2006Lake McQueeney 2005 Survey Report
13276 DatabaseNeel, M. (director), J. Hall (curator), and N. Anderson.2014Norton-Brown Herbarium (MARY)
28478 DatabaseNelson, J. (curator).2015Andrew Charles Moore Herbarium (USCH)
10573 Journal ArticleNelson, J., and K. Kelly1997Noteworthy Collections South Carolina.
29969 NewsNelson, M.2017Invasive plant species hydrilla causing problems in Missouri lakes
27781 Journal ArticleNetherland, M.D., and M. Greer.2014Establishing research and management priorities for monoecious hydrilla
23469 OtherNew Hampshire Sea Grant Cooperative Extension.1993Stop the zebra mussel: Northern New England Zebra Mussel Watch.
28831 DatabaseNew Jersey Invasive Species Strike Team.2018Interactive map
10102 Journal ArticleNewman, M.J., and W.W. Thomaston1979Aquatic weed control in Georgia.
19231 considers herbicide to control hydrilla.
31495 ReportNorman, J., and R. Ott2015Cedar Creek Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31588 ReportNorman, J., and R. Ott2017Lake Fairfield 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31928 ReportNorman, J., and R. Ott2017Purtis Creek State Park Lake 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31438 ReportNorman, J., and R.A. Ott, Jr.2014Lake Bardwell 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31432 ReportNorman, J.D., and R.A. Ott, Jr.2013Lake Athens 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
32007 ReportNorman, J.D., and R.A. Ott, Jr.2014Lake Waxahachie 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
10474 BookNorth Carolina Division of Water Resources.1996Economical and Environmental Impacts of N.C. Aquatic Weed Infestations.
27846 Web PageNorth Carolina Invasive Plant Council.2014Eno River hydrilla management project
10581 DatabaseNorth Carolina State University Herbarium (NCSC).2009Herbarium Specimen Voucher Data,
19302 ReportNortheast Aquatic Plant Management Society.2009Nor'Easter Newsletters.
27921 Journal ArticleOele, D.L., K.I. Wagner, A. Mikulyuk, C. Seeley-Schreck, and J.A. Hauxwell.2015Effecting compliance with invasive species regulations through outreach and education of live plant retailers
27753 ReportOklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation2008Sooner Lake management plan
28067 NewsOrr, S.2015"Godzilla" of invasive plants found in Henrietta
28138 ReportOrth, R.J., D.J. Wilcox, L.S. Nagey, A.L. Owens, J.R. Whiting, and A. Serio.20042003 distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries and the Coastal Bays
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27897 ReportOrth, R.J., D.J. Wilcox, L.S. Nagey, J.R. Whiting, and J.R. Fishman.2000Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and coastal bays
27898 ReportOrth, R.J., D.J. Wilcox, L.S. Nagey, J.R. Whiting, and J.R. Fishman.2001Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and coastal bays
10730 ReportOrth, R.J., J.F. Nowak, D.J. Wilcox, J.R. Whiting, and L.S. Nagey.1998Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries and the Coastal Bays - 1997.
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30626 ReportOtt, Jr., R.A., and P.A. Beck.2007Lake Bellwood 2006 Survey Report
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32002 ReportOtt, R.A., and J.D. Norman2016Lake Tyler West 2015 Survey Report
32295 ReportOtt, R.A., and J.D. Norman.2018Lake Athens 2017 Fisheries Management Survey Report 
31919 ReportOtt, R.A., Jr., and J.D. Norman2014Lake Palestine 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
32001 ReportOtt, R.A., Jr., and J.D. Norman2016Lake Tyler East 2015 Survey Report
31695 ReportOtt, R.A., Jr., and J.D. Norman2017Lake Jacksonville 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31979 ReportOtt, R.A., Jr., and J.D. Norman2017Striker Reservoir 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
32407 NewsOwen, J.B.2018Hydrilla discovered in Deep River
27843 NewsOwen, M.2015Dreaded aquatic plant returns to lakes
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10460 ReportParsons, J.1996Aquatic Plant Technical Assistance Program: 1995 Acitivity Report.
15927 DatabaseParsons, J.2005Annual Washington State Aquatic Plant Survey Database.
10518 DatabasePennsylvania Flora Database.2011Pennsylvania Flora Project
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10560 OtherPlant Pest Diagnostic Center, Integrated Pest Control Branch, Division of Plant Industry, California Department of Food and Agriculture.1997Weed Eradication Database - for state and county weed biologists.
30608 Journal ArticlePoirrier, M.A., C.E. Caputo, and C.D. Franze.2017Biogeography of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in the Pontchartrain Basin: Species Salinity Zonation and 1953–2016 Lake Pontchartrain Trends
27770 Journal ArticlePoovey, A.G., and K.D. Getsinger.2010Comparative response of monoecious and dioecious Hydrilla to endothall
10458 Journal ArticlePosey, M.H., C. Wigand, and J.C. Stevenson1993Effects of an introduced aquatic plant, Hydrilla verticillata, on Benthic Communities in the Upper Chesapeake Bay.
31680 ReportRagan, N., and A. Best2016Highlands Reservoir 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31939 ReportRagan, N., and M. Webb2017Lake Somerville 2016 Fisheries Management Survey Report
27930 ReportRivanna Water and Sewer Authority.2011Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority puts fish to work
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31456 NewsRodriguez, C.2018Swimmer blames hydrilla for near drowning at Lake Pflugerville
27690 NewsRosenbach, W.2013Hydrilla verticillata found in lower Croton River
16013 NewsRoth, R.2007Noxious weed threatens Lake Manitou.
10664 Journal ArticleRyan, F.J., C.R. Coley, and S.H. Kay1995Coexistence of monoecious and dioecious hydrilla in Lake Gaston, North Carolina and Virginia.
10153 ReportRybicki, N. B, R.T. Anderson, J.M. Shapiro, K.L. Johnson, and C.L. Schulman.1987Data on the distribution and abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation in the tidal Potamac River and Estuary, Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia, 1986.
27716 Journal ArticleRybicki, N., J.D. Kirshtein, and M.A. Voytek.2013Molecular techniques to distinguish morphologically similar Hydrilla verticillata, Egeria densa, Elodea nuttallii, and Elodea canadensis
27752 ReportSager, C., D. Routledge, and M. Mauck.2011Lake of the Arbuckles fisheries management plan
27754 ReportSager, C., D. Routledge, and M. Mauck.2013Lake Murray fisheries management plan
27774 Journal ArticleSample, J.1972Hydrilla in Iowa
33598 ReportSartain, B.2019Invasive aquatic plants and Lake Guntersville: history, impact and types
30401 DatabaseSchaffner, B.2019Maine DEP Invasive Aquatic Plant Map
10001 NewsSchardt, J.1995Nonindigenous aquatic weeds: a national problem
28957 ReportSchardt, J.D.19951994 Florida aquatic plant survey report
10274 Conference ProceedingsSchmitz, D.C., B.V. Nelson, L.E. Nall, and J.D. Schardt.1991Exotic aquatic plants in Florida: a historical perspective and review of the present aquatic plant regulation program.
31918 ReportScott, M.K.2014O. H. Ivie Reservoir 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
10636 OtherSealy, D.1997Exotic Invasive Plants of George Washington Memorial Parkway.
28633 DatabaseSeidler, T. (curator).2014University of Massachusetts Herbarium (MASS)
28331 DatabaseSEINet Portal Network.2021Southwest Environmental Information Network
27844 ReportSePRO Corporation, Aquatic Control, Aquatic Weed Control, and ReMetrix20152014 Lake Manitou aquatic vegetation management plan update
29277 DatabaseSERNEC Data Portal2019SouthEast Regional Network of Expertise and Collections
29227 DatabaseServiss, B.E. (curator).2012Henderson State University Herbarium (HEND)
28923 NewsSharkey, R.2016Indian Creek drawdown to begin Sept. 6 to control hydrilla
29550 DatabaseShaw, J. (curator).2014University of Tennessee, Chattanooga Herbarium (UCHT)
27836 NewsShea, T.2015Carp, water grass the subject of debate
27776 ReportShearer, J.F.2014Surveys for pathogens of monoecious hydrilla in 2013
27872 NewsShenk, S.2015Invasive weed more widespread at Lake Anna than first thought
16462 NewsSimmons, M.2007Rugged terrain greets crew surveying Obed River gorge.
27848 NewsSkrapits, E.2015New invasive plant found in Harveys Lake
28624 NewsSkrapits, E.2016Work underway to get Harveys Lake ready for the summer
16075 DatabaseSmithsonian Institution2019United States National Herbarium (US)
28166 DatabaseSolomon, J. (curator).2015Missouri Botanical Garden Herbarium (MO)
28359 NewsSonken, L.2016A Navigable Inlet: never ending dredging
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28845 DatabaseSpaulding, D.D.2016Anniston Museum of Natural History Herbarium (AMAL)
27889 NewsSpringston, R.2015Botanists make welfare checks on Virginia's rare plants
28642 NewsStaff report.2016Hydrilla treatments to begin 30 days early at bodies of water in The Villages
19384 NewsStaff.2010 Drowning on rural property in Killeen.
29624 DatabaseStandley, L. (curator).2013New England Botanical Club Herbarium (NEBC)
29799 NewsSteecker, M.2017Hydrilla threat: 27 acres of plant found in Cayuga
37950 DatabaseStetzar, E.2020Delaware AIS plant survey
30850 NewsStevenson, A.2017No Hydrilla in Damariscotta Lake for the first time since 2009
10649 Journal ArticleSteward, K.K., and T.K. Van1987Comparative studies of monoecious and dioecious hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) biotypes.
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31592 ReportStorey, K.W.2016Lake Fork 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31677 ReportStorey, K.W., and D. Bennett2016Lake Hawkins 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
15869 NewsStout, L.2006Hydrilla threat may grow: More lakes in northern Indiana could be closed.
10333 Journal ArticleStrong, M.T., and C.L. Kelloff1994Intertidal vascular plants of Brent Marsh, Potomac River, Stafford County, Virginia.
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28569 DatabaseSullivan, H. (botanist).2012Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Herbarium (MMNS)
10039 Journal ArticleSwanson, E.D., and E.P. Bergersen1988Grass carp stocking model for coldwater lakes.
17887 ReportTarbell, D., and Associates, Inc.2007Native and exotic submerged aquatic vegetation study.
28128 NewsTatum, C.2010Hydrilla horrors: Invasive plant causes bird deaths at lake
34048 DatabaseTaylor, D. (curator)2012Indiana University Southeast Herbarium (JEF)
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10388 Journal ArticleTerlizzi, D.E.1996Toward regional management of aquatic nuisance species in the Chesapeake Bay Basin.
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30788 Web PageTexas Parks & Wildlife Department.2018Lake Survey Reports
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10209 Journal ArticleThomaston, W.W.1984The status of undesirable aquatic weeds in Georgia during 1983.
32801 NewsThompson, C.2019Why 600 carp were dumped into the Swift Creek Reservoir
32308 ReportTibbs, J., and M. Baird.2018Stillhouse Hollow Reservoir 2017 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31429 ReportTibbs, J., and M.A. Baird2014Aquilla Reservoir 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31977 ReportTibbs, J., and M.S. Baird2014Stillhouse Hollow Reservoir 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
32003 ReportTibbs, J., and M.S. Baird2016Waco Reservoir 2015 Survey Report
38589 NewsTimes Union Hudson Valley2022Invasive hydrilla found in Harriman Park lake
29199 DatabaseTrisel, D.2012Fairmont State University Herbarium (FWVA)
10657 ReportU.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).2003Aquatic Plant Management Plan for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District
27903 DatabaseU.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).2013Invasive species profile system
28134 ReportU.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).2013Aquatic plant management plan for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District water resources projects South Carolina and Georgia: Appendix A, CY 2013 update, annual aquatic plant treatment plan and summary of previous year's management program
17241 DatabaseUnited States Department of Agriculture (USDA).2008PLANTS Database.
10553 DatabaseUniversity of Georgia2021University of Georgia Herbarium (GA)
29264 DatabaseUniversity of Pennsylvania2021Morris Arboretum Herbarium (MOAR)
27893 ReportURS Corporation, Gomez and Sullivan Engineers, P.C.2012Final study report: water level management study - RSP 3.12
10582 Journal ArticleVan, T., and K. Steward1990Longevity of Monoecious Hydrilla propagules.
27775 Journal ArticleVandiver, V.V. Jr., T.K. Van, and K.K. Steward.1982Male Hydrilla recently found in the United States
28135 NewsVieser, D.2011Carp to make a meal of hydrilla menace
28990 DatabaseVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University2015Massey Herbarium (VPI)
29623 NewsWalsh, B.H.2017Long Pond in Centerville slated for hydrilla treatments
19675 DatabaseWalsh, S.2010Aquatic invasive species of Guam.
10624 DatabaseWare, D. (director).1998Herbarium specimen voucher data, Herbarium of the College of William & Mary (WILLI)
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16014 NewsWatson, J.2007Hydrilla solution angers some anglers.
31575 ReportWebb, M., A. Best, M. Gore2014Lake Conroe 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31598 ReportWebb, M.A., and M.S. Gore2010Gibbons Creek Reservoir 2010 Survey Report
27892 Thesis or DissertationWickel, C.2011Corbicula fluminea production in three major habitats, including one dominated by the non-native aquatic plant, Hydrilla verticillata, in the tidal freshwater Mattaponi River Estuary
28130 Journal ArticleWilde, S., T.M. Murphy, C.P. Hope, S.K. Habrun, J. Kempton, A. Birrenkott, F. Wiley, W.W. Bowerman, and A.J. Lewitus.2005Avian vacuolar myelinopathy linked to exotic aquatic plants and a novel cyanobacterial species
28131 ReportWilde, S.B., R.S. Haynie, J.A. Herrin, M.W. Hook, J. Kupfer, and M.D. Netherland.2013Environmental factors influencing blooms of a neurotoxic Stigonematalan cyanobacterium responsible for avian vacuolar myelinopathy
30143 NewsWillett, H.2017Hydrilla found in Kingston waters
18716 NewsWilliams, M.2009BASS Fed. organizes giant salvinia clean-up on Sam Rayburn.
29928 NewsWilson, J.2017DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife to begin treating downstate ponds for nuisance aquatic weeds
27922 NewsWisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR)2009New invasive crayfish found in Wisconsin
34047 DatabaseWitsell, T. (curator), and B. Baker (collections manager)2016Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission Herbarium (ANHC)
28843 DatabaseWofford, B.E. (curator), Q.V. Ma (manager), and W.M. Dennis.2016University of Tennessee Herbarium (TENN)
28849 DatabaseWoods, M., and A.R. Diamond, Jr.2016Troy University Herbarium (TROY)
32305 ReportWright, L.2018 O.H. Ivie Reservoir 2017 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31486 ReportWright, L.D., and T.J. Bister2013Caddo Lake 2013 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31579 ReportWright, L.D., and T.J. Bister2014Lake Cypress Springs 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
31836 ReportWright, L.D., and T.J. Bister2015Lone Star Lake 2014 Fisheries Management Survey Report
32010 ReportWright, L.D., and T.J. Bister2016Lake Welsh 2015 Fisheries Management Survey Report
17325 DatabaseWunderlin, R., and B. Hansen.2007USF Herbarium Specimen Database.
30522 DatabaseYatskievych, G. (curator).2017University of Texas at Austin Herbarium (TEX)
10586 BookZolczynski, J., and R. Shearer.1997Mobile Delta Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Survey, 1994.


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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2024]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [12/7/2024].

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