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Cut-and-Paste Reference:
Smithsonian Institution. 2019. United States National Herbarium (US). Department of Botany, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Accessed on 04/17/2021.
Reference Details:
Reference Number: 16075
Type: Database
Author: Smithsonian Institution
Date (year): 2019
Title:United States National Herbarium (US)
Publisher:Department of Botany, Smithsonian Institution
Publisher Location:Washington, DC
Accessed on: 04/17/2021
Created on:
Keywords: herbarium, Smithsonian, plants, herbarium, natural history, US
Species Profiles and Specimens that use this Reference:

Alternanthera philoxeroides

    FL - Lake Deaton, just N of SR 44A, ca. 6.5 km SE of Wildwood

Arundo donax

    MD - 0.5 Mi E of Bowie, on S side of highway MD 197 (also called E 11th)

Butomus umbellatus

    OH - Reno Beach
    OH - Winnous Point, W end of Sandusky Bay, Bay Twp., SW of Port Clinton
    OH - Buckeye Point

Cabomba caroliniana

    OR - Along U.S. Hwy. 101 at milepost 203; ca. 12 miles south of Florence; in Tahkenitch Lake.

Ceratopteris thalictroides

    HI - Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge, water around taro patties
    HI - Hakipuu, near taro patches

Cyperus difformis

    DC - Anacostia Park, along the eastern edge of Kingman Lake between the lake and the golf course.

Egeria densa

    HI - Napali Coast, Limahuli Valley, just above mouth
    HI - Kawaihau District, southeast of Mt. Pohakupele, on north fork of Wailua River at irrigation ditch intake
    HI - Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
    HI - Honolulu Distr., Makiki Stream, in channelized section at intersection of Kalakaua Ave. and South King St
    HI - Blue Hole drainage, end of Kuamoo road, where cement crossing diverts stream into irrigation ditch
    HI - Kaneohe Stream adjacent to Kaneohe Library

Eichhornia crassipes

    PR - Mayaguez
    PR - Rio Piedras
    VI - Catherine's rest
    VI - Catherine's rest
    PR - Sierra de Naguabo ad Rio Blanco

Hydrilla verticillata

    GU - Agana Springs

Hydrilla verticillata peregrina

    MD - Potomac River, near the Woodrow Wilson Bridge
    MD - In Potomac River at National Harbor near Woodrow Wilson Bridge

Ipomoea aquatica

    PR - Mayaguez. Swamp

Juncus effusus

    HI - On the edge of a drainage depression, audible flowing water beneath, Mount Kaala, Waianae Mts.

Landoltia punctata

    PR - Barrio Santana: S side of Ciénaga Tiburones, c. 1.5 km N of Aeropuerto de Arecibo
    PR - Mun. Vega Baja, Barrio Cibuco: mangrove thicket 1.2 km due ENE of Cerro Cibuco
    PR - Mun. Río Grande, Barrio Herreras: just N of Caño San Luis c. 0.2 km W of Road 187

Ludwigia hexapetala

    CA - Western North America, Santa Clara County
    SC - Waccamaw National Wilflife Refuge. Small canal between old rixce fields, just west of Bullins Creek, east of Squirrel Creek, between Waccamaw and Pee Dee rivers, 5.2 mi SE of Plantersville, SC

Ludwigia peruviana

    FL - Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, Panther Island.
    FL - Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, edge of pond by main access road.
    FL - Charlotte County, East of IH 75, about 10 miles S of its intersection with SH 765, between Fort Myers and Port Charlotte
    FL - Aspalaga Road near creek draining into Apalachicola River, 10.3 air km SW of Chattahoochee

Marsilea macropoda

    AL - South side of Old Mobile ca 0.5 mi S Government St.

Melaleuca quinquenervia

    HI - Waianapanapa State Park, along trail heading towards Hana Airport.
    HI - W Maui, Lahaina District, Honolua, East rim of Papua Gulch

Monochoria vaginalis

    HI - Morgan Toledo Taro Farm, Waipio Valley, Big Island
    HI - Wailau Valley. Kalo'lo'I and adjacent muddy areas

Myriophyllum aquaticum

    GA - Round Pond, 3.9 miles N and 6.1 miles E of Lafayette; Ridge and Valley Province
    LA - Vermilion River, S of Lafayette
    LA - Bayou Blue, between Terrebonne and Lafourche parishes
    NC - Greenfield Lake
    FL - Lake Alice
    LA - Covington
    FL - Hatchet Creek
    FL - Daytona
    LA - SE of Hot Wells
    MS - S of Holly Springs

Najas guadalupensis guadalupensis

    HI - Wailoa estuary
    HI - Makiki Stream, in channelized section at intersection of Kalakaua Ave. and South King St.
    HI - freshwater pool, National Tropical Botanical Garden in Lawai Valley, McBryde Garden, Biodiversity Trail, west side of Lawai Stream

Najas marina

    NY - Irondequoit Bay
    HI - Waikiki, Oahu
    PR - Western end of Laguna Tortuguero
    PR - Tortuguero Lagoon
    PR - Barrio Garrochales: Ciénaga Tiburones

Najas minor

    NY - Hudson River, Mechanicville
    LA - Cheniere Lake, at Area 8, S of LA 838, W of West Monroe; Sec. 12, T17N, R2E
    FL - Lake Seminole, N of Sneads
    FL - Near shores of Lake Seminole, N of Sneads
    NY - Sterling Pond, North Fair Haven
    NY - East side of Salmon Creek Inlet to Braddock Bay
    OH - Wolfden Lake [Reservoir], Shawnee State Forest
    OH - Near Edenton [Stonelick State Park?]
    OH - East Harbor, East Harbor State Park
    NY - mouth of Wappinger Creek, Hudson River, New Hamburg
    OH - Stonelick Lake
    OH - Adams Lake
    NY - Mouth of Mohawk River at Waterford
    OH - Adams Lake
    OH - Stonelick Lake
    MD - Loch Raven Reservoir, near the picnic grounds N of Morgan Mill Rd.
    MD - In Potomac River at National Harbor near Woodrow Wilson Bridge

Nasturtium microphyllum

    HI - Koke'e Stream, Waimea Drainage Basin, W side
    HI - Waikamoi trail
    HI - Nawaimaka Stream, along edges
    HI - Westley Wongs Taro Farm, Waiehu

Nymphaea nouchali caerulea

    PR - Llanadas, bank of Guajataca River, c. 0.25 km from gate that leads to dirt road that borders the Guajataca River and gets into the mogote "El Costillar" site
    HI - North Kohala Dist, Hawi Quadrangle, Parker Ranch, Vic. of Kehena Reservoir

Nymphoides indica

    HI - West Maui, Wailuku District, Waihee Ridge Trail

Nymphoides peltata

    DC - pond
    DC - ponds of U.S. Fish Commission, B Street NW
    DC - pond
    DC - sink near Washington monument
    DC - one of the Fish Ponds
    DC - Washington, D.C.

Oenanthe javanica

    DC - Kenilworth Marsh, southern edge at Typha upland ecotone
    MD - Buck Lodge Community Park, east end of Buck Lodge Road, Buck Lodge, in deep mud of depression next to parking lot
    VA - Sugarland Run, Runnymede Park, ca. 0.4km ENE of intersection of Herndon Parkway and Queens Row St., ca. 0.3 km WNW of intersection of Creekbend Dr. and Stuart Rd.
    VA - Holmes Run, Dora Kelley Nature Park, ca. 0.5 km NW of intersection of Sanger Ave. and Beauregard St.
    VA - Potomac River, City of Alexandria, Jones Point Park, ca. 0.1 km SW of Jones Point Lighthouse

Panicum repens

    FL - Lake Wales Ridge National Wildlife Refuge. Flamingo Villas.
    FL - Lake County: The Villages retirement community, next door to 742 Prado Drive, 3.3 km NW of Lady Lake.

Phalaris arundinacea

    MD - Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Mosquito Creek
    MD - Plummer's Island C. & O. Canal
    VA - 0.25 mi. above Scotts Run, N of Swinks
    VA - Near Big Cobler Mt.
    MD - Casselman River, Casselman Branch State Park @ 1/4 mi. up river from sewage treament plant.
    MD - Town of Columbia, MD Rt. 175, Little Patuxent Parkway, between US Rt. 29 Columbia Pike and Thunder Hill Road, on north side of highway.
    MD - Potomac River Gorge, Plummers Isl., west end swale
    WA - Mt. Baker, Terminal Lake - Austin Pass, 3.5 mi N of ski lodge
    MD - Plummer's Island C. & O. Canal
    MD - Great Falls of Maryland Campus
    UT - just S of Piñon along the San Miguel River.
    MD - Fort George G. Meade, along MD Rt. 175, between Rockenback Road, MD Rt. 713, and Disney Road, south side of road.
    MD - East of Bladensburg
    DC - Rock Creek Park, sandbar in Rock Creek E of Lightpost #265 on Beach Dr Rock Creek Park and Vicinity
    VA - Jackson City
    MD - C&O Canal Natl. Park, Potomac River, just below Sherwin Isl.
    MD - Town of Jessup, along Dorsey Run Road at the railroad tracks, growing along the roadside.
    MD - Plummer's Island; south of Barton Houses C. & O. Canal
    VA - Scotts Run, N of Swinks
    DC - Columbia Island, between Boundary Channel and Potomac River, E of Arlington National Cemetery
    MD - Fort George G. Meade, along MD Rt. 175, between Rockenbach Road, MD Rt. 713, and Disney Road, south side of road
    MD - Patuxent Research Refuge, North Tract. Bailey Bridge Swamp between road and swamp, 550 feet E of Bailey's Bridge

Phragmites australis australis

    MD - Chesapeake Bay, Scientists Cliffs
    MD - Chesapeake Beach
    MD - N of Steel Mills, near Anacostia
    MD - Chesapeake Beach
    MD - N of Steel Mills, near Anacostia
    MD - Sussex Co.: East of the town of Georgetown, along US Rt. 9, DE Rt. 404, Lewes Georgetown Highway (Road 18) growing in open field on north side of the highway across from the sports complex.
    AZ - Maricopa County. Arizona State University parking lot 59, east side of stadium.
    NM - Sacramento Mts., La Luz Canyon, just W of High Rolls
    NM - Organ Mts. W side, Ice Canyon
    VA - Brent Marsh along the Potomac River, S of Widewater
    MD - Chesapeake Beach, Scientists Cliffs
    NY - Dryden township, NE of Ithaca, corner of N. Hanshaw and Etna rds
    DE - Lews, Deaware Bay
    MD - Griffith Neck Road, just North of Henry's Crossroad
    MD - South of Fairhaven
    MD - Chesapeake Beach, Scientists Cliffs
    MD - Chesapeake Beach
    MD - Chesapeake Beach, 2 1/2 miles N Bush River Station of Penn R.R.
    TX - Nuevo Laredo
    DC - Flats along Anacostia River
    MD - South of Fairhaven
    DC - Anacostia Park, Res 343, W of Anacostia River S of Rt 50

Pistia stratiotes

    PR - Cabo Rojo
    PR - Arecibo
    PR - Near Manati (in paludosisad cabia de los muertos)
    VI - Annaberg Ruins

Reynoutria japonica

    MD - Plummers Island. NW side.
    MD - East of railroad, opposite Batavia Farm road, Rosedale
    MD - Chevy Chase vicinity
    DC - Oxon Run Parkway, N of Community Hospital between Oxon Run and Southern Ave
    VA - Arlington Forest vicinity
    DC - Klingle Bridge vicinity (over Rock Creek) Rock Creek Park and Vicinity
    MD - Glen Echo Junction C. & O. Canal
    MD - Chevy Chase, Rock Creek Ford Rd. near Circle Rock Creek Park and Vicinity
    MD - Ammendale
    VA - Arlington Forest vicinity
    MD - Border of Goldsboro Rd., Glen Echo
    CT - Tolland County. Willington, Daleville Road, near Fenton River.

Salvinia molesta

    DC - Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens
    GA - farm pond near Liberty Hill, Julian Weldon farm on Lake Weldon Road, 1 mile S of jct. Lake Weldon Rd and Morgan Dairy Rd
    GA - Lilburn, Denmark Drive, neighborhood pond at Evergreen Lakes
    HI - Wahiawa area. Lake Wilson, S end of lake

Stuckenia pectinata

    HI - fresh water irrigation ditch in sugar plantation, at north end of Barking Sands, Waimea

Tamarix sp.

    CA - Colorado Desert, Chocolate-Chuckwalla Mts region, Sonoran Basin and Range, Southern perimeter of Ford Dry Lake.
    DC - Department of Agriculture grounds
    MD - By Riverdale railroad Station
    MD - Bladensburg, 4003 53 St.
    DC - Washington
    DC - Department of Agriculture grounds
    DC - Washington
    TX - Matador Wildlife Management Area.

Typha angustifolia

    NC - S of Oregon Inlet
    FL - Big Cypress Reservation, Mikasuki Seminole
    SC - Waccamaw River, Georgetown
    NC - Edenton
    NC - S of New Hanover Co. line US 17 SE of Wilmington
    NC - Biltmore
    NC - Swanquarter
    MD - Plummer's Island; in pool halfway between Ferry Landing and upper end C. & O. Canal

Typha domingensis

    HI - [Kawainui Marsh] below Quarry Rd ca 1/2 way between Pali Hwy and Mokapu Blvd

Zizania latifolia

    HI - along banks of Lawa‘i Stream behind Stillwater Dam


The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data.

Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [1/30/2025].

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For general information and questions about the database, contact Wesley Daniel. For problems and technical issues, contact Matthew Neilson.