Select your criteria below. A list of species that matches your criteria will be generated. Species with profiles will have links to the profiles.
Taxonomic Grouping.
reproductive population status of the species in this location
Established- population is reproducing and overwintering
Reported- species seen; reproduction is not known - this is default status; many of these are actually established populations.
Failed- population was stocked but died out; failed to reproduce; or was eliminated.
To search for records occurring during a single year, enter the year in both boxes.
Otherwise, enter a starting and ending year.
The year range is inclusive (meaning that the starting and ending years will be included in the results).
salinity of introduction location.
Freshwater- introduced into areas of low salinity.
Marine- introduced into areas of high salinity.
Brackish- introduced into areas of medium salinity.
(also called vector) mechanism responsible for bringing the species to the new location.
Stocked- species was intentionally planted in the new location; i.e., stocked for sport, forage, stock contamination, biocontrol; includes legal and illegal stocking
Shipping- ballast water discharge and/or hull fouling
Aquarium release- species traditionally kept in aquaria (fish, snails) released into the wild by owners who no longer want them; can include escapes from aquaculture for locations in Florida since it is often impossible to distinguish between the two pathways in this area
Bait release- species introduced as discarded bait
Aquaculture- species that escaped from aquaculture facilities
Canals- species that gained access to new areas via canals
Pet Escape- species that were released by pet owners; species other than fish, snails
Select checkbox to limit results to species with eDNA detection data.