NAS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species
Minnaert-Grote, J. (manager). 2015. Illinois Natural History Survey Herbarium (ILLS). Prairie Research Institute, Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, IL.
Reference Number: 28887 Type: Database Author: Minnaert-Grote, J. (manager). Date (year): 2015 Title:Illinois Natural History Survey Herbarium (ILLS) Publisher:Prairie Research Institute, Illinois Natural History Survey Publisher Location:Champaign, IL URL: Accessed on: Created on: Keywords: herbarium
Acorus calamus TN - Mount Le Conte NC - Dellwood TN - Calderwood TN - Calderwood
Eichhornia crassipes IL - Champaign; 1411 Winding Lane; private residence. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83. Thomasboro
Hydrilla verticillata verticillata FL - Loop Road west of Pinecrest, Big Cypress Nature Preserve
Iris pseudacorus IL - North side of Fox River, about 2 miles northeast of Yorkville and 1.7 miles south-southeast of Bristol; east of Kingmoor Lane south of Timber Ridge Road, private property. Elevation 184 meters. Area with large forested river-bluff estates. Western seep. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83 Yorkville IL - Two miles west of Wilmington, IL; 0.3 mile east of Interstate-55, 0.4 mile north of River Drive, along bluffs on south side of Kankakee River. (WGS84/NAD83) Wilmington
Juncus compressus IL - Roadside on west side of I-94. Wheeling IL - Roadside on west side of southbound lanes of I-94, 0.2 mile south of Russell Road. Wadsworth IL - 1 mile east of Wadsworth, IL; west side of I-94. Wadsworth IL - Approximately 4 mile north of Wadsworth, Illinois; east side of I-94, 0.4 mile north of Route 173. Wadsworth IL - I-90 tollway improvement survey corridor. IL - I-90 tollway improvement survey corridor. IL - I-90 tollway improvement survey corridor. IL - Des Plaines, IL; 0.15 mile north of Touhy Avenue and approximately 150 feet east of tollway Interstate-294, south of the Des Plaines River. (WGS84/NAD83) Park Ridge IL - West side of Northbrook, IL; 50 feet east of Interstate-294 and 0.2 mile west of Sanders Road. (WGS84/NAD83) Arlington Heights
Lycopus europaeus IL - North side of Fox River, about 2 miles northeast of Yorkville and 1.7 miles south-southeast of Bristol; east of Kingmoor Lane south of Timber Ridge Road, private property. Elevation 179 meters. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83 Yorkville IL - East of North Branch of Nippersink Creek, north of raised railroad, east of US [Route] 12, south-southeast of Richmond. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83. Richmond
Lythrum salicaria IL - Green River State Conservation Area. Burn Unit 9. Green River Lowland Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83. Harmon IL - Margin of Richmond Hunting Club property, southeast quadrant of crossing of Illinois [Route] 173 over tributary of North Branch Nippersink Creek, 1.4 kilometers east-northeast of Richmond. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83. Richmond
Myosotis scorpioides IL - Along Page Spring run in forbland. Freeport Section of the Rock River Hill Country Natural Division of Illinois. Elevation about 750 feet. Winnebago 7.5 minute quadrangle. UTM 16, 323072mE, 4687052mN. In the north part of the Anna R. Page Forest Preserve, northwest part of Rockford. Winnebago IL - Kankakee Sands Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division of Illinois. Momence Wetland Land and Water Reserve, flood plain on the north side of the Kankakee River, about 7.5 mile east of Momence, Illinois. Illiana Heights 7.5 minute quadrangle. Elevation about 625 feet. UTM Zone 16, 449880mE, 4557300mN. Illiana Heights IL - North side of Fox River, east of Yorkville. South of Timber Ridge Road, private property. Elevation 184 meters. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83 Yorkville IL - South side of the Fox River, approximately 100-200 feet south of the river margin, west-southwest of Yorkville, east of Silver Springs State Park. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83 Plano IL - Green Bay Trail Bike Path Survey Corridor - Glencoe, IL Highland Park IL - Ferson Creek Fen Nature Preserve, Village of St. Charles, park district. CTAP Number: 300016W. West edge of the Fox River. In the Morainal Section of the Northeastern Morainal Natural Division of Illinois. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83. Geneva
Myriophyllum spicatum IL - Kaskaskia River. Station Larc 1116. Transect 1
Najas marina IL - McCullom Lake, village of McCullom, Lake Beach. IL - Sullivan Lake, northeast of Lakemoor; Wauconda 7.5 minute topographic map. IL - Lily Lake (west side of lake) just east of Lilymoor; Wauconda 7.5 minute topographic map. IL - Druce Lake, Northeast of Grayslake. IL - Grays Lake, west part of town of Grayslake, elevation about 787 feet; Grayslake 7.5 minute topographic map. IL - Silver Lake one mile east-southeast of Antioch; Antioch 7.5 minute topographic map.
Najas minor IL - Hoppler Pond, north of Roberts
Nasturtium officinale IL - 2.5 mile north of Putnam along Route 29 and along the Chicago Rock Island & Pacific Railroad in terrace of the Illinois River. Mouth of ravine leading into Goose Lake, a lake off the west side of the Illinois River. Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83. Putnam IL - I-90 Tollway Corridor. NAD83/WGS84. Elgin is the 1:100,000 topographic map. Marengo South
Oenanthe javanica IL - Copper Slough, Dodds Park, west of Mattis Ave IL - ditch, E of Lily Creek, 0.33 mile north of the intersection of Lily Cache Creek and US Route 30
Persicaria hydropiper IL - Old Driver Spring west and in valley of Big Creek and about 0.7 mile directly southwest of Pleasant Hill Cemetery and about 3 mile east and a little south of Hicks Dome, northeast of Hardin County. Lesser Shawnee Hill Section of the Shawnee Hills Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83. Karbers Ridge IL - Savanna Army Depot. Mississippi River Section of the Illinois River and Mississippi River Sand Area Division. Hanover 7.5 minute quadrangle. UTM 15, 718348mE, 4681356mN. Hanover IL - Green River State Conservation Area. Green River Lowland Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83. East side of Pump Factory Road along roadside. Walton IL - Long Branch Sand Prairie Nature Preserve. UTM 15, 750479mE, 4457430mN, Kilbourne 7.5 minute quadrangle. Southwest of the Mid State Dragway. Kilbourne IL - Stephen A. Forbes State Park. Mount Vernon Hill Country Section of the Southern Till Plain Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83. Northwest of Forbes Lake where stream un-named stream joins Lost Fork at the north end of Forbes Lake. On the west side of the flood plain. Omega IL - Hooper Branch Nature Preserve. Leesville IL - IDNR property (Leesville East) northeast of intersection of 17000 E and 8000 S about 11 miles east of St. Anne, Kankakee County, Illinois. Leesville IL - Kankakee Sands Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division of Illinois. De Young Site. About 5 mile north (6 kilometer) and 9.4 mile east (13.55 kilometer) of town of St. Anne. Leesville 7.5 minute quadrangle. Elevation about 660 feet. Leesville IL - Sweetfern Sand Savanna Land and Water Reserve. Approximately half a mile north of Pembroke School. Leesville IL - Kankakee Sands Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division of Illinois. Bentley/Crawford-Jordan Site. About 3.75 mile north (6 kilometer) and 9.4 mile east (13.55 kilometer) of town of St. Anne. Leesville 7.5 minute quadrangle. Elevation about 670 feet. Leesville IL - 1 mile southwest of Wadsworth, IL; along banks of Old Mill Creek, on east side of I-94. Wadsworth IL - 2 mile east of Libertyville, Illinois; northwest of where I-294 and Sanders Road intersect, west side of I-294. Arlington Heights IL - I-90 tollway improvement survey corridor. Elgin IL - Green Bay Trail Bike Path Survey Corridor - Turnbull Woods (Chicago Botanic Garden), Glencoe, IL Highland Park IL - West side of Northbrook, IL; 50 feet east of Interstate-294 and 0.2 mile west of Sanders Road. (WGS84/NAD83) Arlington Heights
Potamogeton crispus IL - East of Big Rock Creek Road, within Big Rock Creek, north of Hennig Road, Plano. Elevation approximately 190 meters. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83 Plano IL - Margin of Richmond Hunting Club property, north side of crossing of Illinois [Route] 173 over tributary of Nippersink Creek, 1.4 kilometers east-northeast of Richmond. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83. Richmond IL - South margin of Nippersink Creek, south of US Route 12, dairy farm, Solon Mills, south-southeast of Richmond. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83. Richmond
Rorippa sylvestris IL - 2.5 mile north of Putnam along Route 29 and along the Chicago Rock Island & Pacific Railroad in terrace of the Illinois River. Mouth of ravine leading into Goose Lake, a lake off the west side of the Illinois River. Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83. Putnam IL - [No locality description provided] IL - Two miles west of Wilmington, IL; 0.36 mile east of Interstate-55, 0.47 mile north of Widows Road, along south shoreline of Kankakee River. (WGS84/NAD83) Wilmington IL - Hutsonville Twp. Along the Wabash River south of the East Clover St. bridge in Hutsonville.
Salix atrocinerea IL - Brookhaven, Coram, Highway 25 and Highway 112. New York Metropolitan Flora.
Sparganium glomeratum ME - Shore of Cupsuptic Lake, Cupsuptic Lake campground
Thalia dealbata IL - Roadside ditch, 0.5 mile west of Sandusky MO - Roadside ditch next to cropland, County Road 623, 0.1 mile south of County Route W. End of pavement
Trapa natans NY - Whitehall, in Wood Creek / the Champlain Canal, at US Route 4 crossing Water 1 - 2 meters deep.. (NAD83/WGS84). NY - Beacon (opposite Newburgh); east margin of the Hudson River, about 0.1 mile north of Route I-84 (Newburgh-Beacon) bridge. West of Metro-North Railroad tracks. Elevation 27 feet.
Typha angustifolia IL - Wildcat Hollow State Forest, 2 miles north of Mason; west side, along County Route 24. IL - Prairie Ridge State Natural Area: Ridgway Grassland and Wetland. Newton
Typha domingensis IL - Braidwood Cooling Pond
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Citation information: U.S. Geological Survey. [2025]. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, Florida. Accessed [2/13/2025].
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