3 results for Scardinius erythrophthalmus (Rudd)

Impact ID Scientific Name Impact Type Study Type Study Location Impact Description Geographic Location Reference
3608 Scardinius erythrophthalmus Genetic Anecdotal N/A They suggested that, as a result of the ability to hybridize, the Rudd may impose a threat to the genetic integrity of the Golden Shiner. 874
5583 Scardinius erythrophthalmus Genetic Experimental Laboratory Scardinius erythrophthalmus was able to easily hybridize with the native golden shiner (Notemigonus crysoleucas) to produce viable offspring in the lab. 12
6361 Scardinius erythrophthalmus Genetic Anecdotal N/A In a laboratory setting, rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) readily hybridizes with native golden shiner (Notemigonus crysoleucas), a primary forage species of many native game fishes. First generation hybrids offspring should show heterosis (or hybrid vigor), but the "genetic pollution" in subsequent generations could prove detrimental due to a variety of factors (e.g., spawning behavior, recruitment success, and general loss of fitness). 524

Currently showing impact type "Genetic".

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