Branchiura sowerbyi

A tubificid worm

Collection Information for Branchiura sowerbyi

Results limited to All Great Lakes Drainages.
Results also available in (click to export table to spreadsheet)

(click table headers to sort)
Specimen IDStateCountyLocalityYearHUC NumberDrainage NameStatus
162958MIBayLake Huron, Saginaw Bay200304240002Lake Huronestablished
162962OH Lake Erie200304260000Lake Erieestablished
162957ON Lake Huron200304240002Lake Huronestablished
240780  Lake Michigan195104190000Lake Michiganestablished
163008MIMacombLake St. Clair196304090002Lake St. Clairestablished
162960MIMacombLake St. Clair200304090002Lake St. Clairestablished
163009OHOttawaSandusky Bay, Lake Erie196304260000Lake Erieestablished
163006MI Lake Erie, western portion196304260000Lake Erieestablished
162959MI St. Clair River200304090001St. Clairestablished
162961MIWayneDetroit River200304260000Lake Erieestablished
163005MIKalamazooKalamazoo River near Comstock, MI195104050003Kalamazooestablished

Citation for this information:
U.S. Geological Survey, 2025, Branchiura sowerbyi: U.S. Geological Survey, Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database, Gainesville, FL,, Access Date: 1/15/2025